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She certainly went out on a high note. She got alot of notice from the movie Cadiilac Records, she had a new album come out that got good reviews, and she didn't die in obscurity. Great work.



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Somewhat fitting that Johnny Ois and Etta James passed within days of each other...

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stinks stinks stinks

she owned the mic like few others.

just caught her in "Standing in the Shadows of Love"

always a prescence always a pro always


shoot shoot shoot

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She lived here in my city, Riverside, CA. I got to see her perform an outdoor concert back in 2001, down by the beautiful old courthouse. She was fabulous. The city paper did a great extensive front page (and continuing inside) article on her life yesterday. What an amazing woman, what a life!


I noticed too that Johnny Otis, who discovered her, died just the day before she did. How fitting that he was there on the other side to wave and yell, "Hey Etta! This way!" :)

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In what must be one of the stranger re-marketing moves ever, I have a copy of this album which capitalized on the twist craze of the early 60s. Somehow someone figured that Etta James' songs worked as material for the twist. I don't really know if I agree, but her signature hit Roll with me Henry is rebranded on this album. No mention of the twist in the song, just a bunch of Etta's songs with an explaination on how to do the twist on the back along with diagrams of what to do with your feet and body. Pretty humorous.



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