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XTC -- rank the top 10

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Seeing as how they are THE most-underrated band in the history of rock, I thought that this might be fun. Or it might fall to the bottom of the page, never to be heard from again.


1. Skylarking

2. The Dukes of Stratosphear - Chips From the Chocolate Fireball

3. Drums & Wires

4. English Settlement

5. Black Sea

6. Nonsuch

7. Oranges & Lemons

8. The Big Express

9. White Music

10. Mummer


To be fair, I have not really heard Apple Venus enough to include it in any such list. Although, from what I hear, it is one of their better albums. I gotta go listen to it a bit more.

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English Settlement

Black Sea


Drums and Wires



Oranges and Lemons




the rest

No Dukes?

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25 O'Clock

English Settlement


Oranges & Lemons

Psonic Psunspot

Apple Venus Vol.1

Big Express


Skylarking is at the top of my list of darn near perfect albums, along with Stone Roses S/T, Let it Bleed, More Fun in the New World, YHF, and a couple others I can't think of right off the top of my head. I've not listened to the pre-English Settlement albums that much (just the singles) so they're not on my list.

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Apple Venus Vol. 1

Dukes 25 O'Clock EP/Chips From A Chocolate Fireball (I have only really known the CD reissue with them both on it).


English Settlement

Drums & Wires

Black Sea

Oranges & Lemons


White Music


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Andy started having debilitating panic attacks before live performances, so they stopped performing after the English Settlement tour.

I've seen some live footage of the band and they were a monster live band. Too damn bad.

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1. Drums and Wires - What other band sounded like this in 1979? Not to mention the coolest album cover of all time.

2. Mummer - My first XTC purchase in 1984. Maybe not their greatest but very dear to my heart.

3. Go 2 - Barry Andrews on the keyboard. Very cool.

4. 25 o'clock - Still blows my mind 27? years later.

5. Skylarking - Gave me a reason to gloat to all my friends that they were late to the party.

6. Oranges and Lemons - Lots of airplay @ WRFL. Pop perfection.

7. Nonsuch - Virgin killed them off at the height of their song writing skills.

8. Apple Venus vol 2 - One last hurrah. No Dave G but the songs are great. Could have been spectacular.

9. English Settlement - Their country album?

10. White Music - This is Pop and Radios in Motion. Come on can't beat those.


Wilco and XTC not all that different maybe? XTC was always my favorite band. But they are to never be again, Colin has said so.

Wilco you are the one now. Lets keep it that way for a while.

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1. Drums and Wires - What other band sounded like this in 1979? Not to mention the coolest album cover of all time.

2. Mummer - My first XTC purchase in 1984. Maybe not their greatest but very dear to my heart.

3. Go 2 - Barry Andrews on the keyboard. Very cool.

4. 25 o'clock - Still blows my mind 27? years later.

5. Skylarking - Gave me a reason to gloat to all my friends that they were late to the party.

6. Oranges and Lemons - Lots of airplay @ WRFL. Pop perfection.

7. Nonsuch - Virgin killed them off at the height of their song writing skills.

8. Apple Venus vol 2 - One last hurrah. No Dave G but the songs are great. Could have been spectacular.

9. English Settlement - Their country album?

10. White Music - This is Pop and Radios in Motion. Come on can't beat those.


Wilco and XTC not all that different maybe? XTC was always my favorite band. But they are to never be again, Colin has said so.

Wilco you are the one now. Lets keep it that way for a while.


Have you heard Black Sea?


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English Settlement was always my favorite XTC. And I agree, at least one of the most underrated bands. Maybe because they stopped performing live so early on (or did they just never perform live, I can't recall at this point).


They were a very busy and relatively successful (and from all acounts I've heard, amazingly good) touring band during the first several years of their career.

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Black Sea just never hit me as much as their other records. I don't think of it in terms of being a bad record. It has some classic songs on there but I always felt that it felt forced. Kinda like it was their attempt at making the "record company album".

I was at a friends party one night when I had a liking for this girl there that I had just meet and we were talking and getting along when I just had to play that song that was ruling the day for me at the time. " No language in Our Lungs" Great song however I soon was to discover that she was a journalism major. End of conversation... I can only laugh now.

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Black Sea just never hit me as much as their other records. I don't think of it in terms of being a bad record. It has some classic songs on there but I always felt that it felt forced. Kinda like it was their attempt at making the "record company album".

I was at a friends party one night when I had a liking for this girl there that I had just meet and we were talking and getting along when I just had to play that song that was ruling the day for me at the time. " No language in Our Lungs" Great song however I soon was to discover that she was a journalism major. End of conversation... I can only laugh now.

I was a journalism major.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sunday evening at home, decide I'm going to cure/avoid the Sunday night blues and dig into the music collection while waiting for The Newsroom. Glad to have come across this topic again. I've got pretty much the entire XTC catalogue in either vinyl or disc. We listened to a lot of XTC, they were a favorite, but it's been years since I've put them on at home. Pulled out the collection, couldn't decide so I put on Upsy Daisy Assortment. I'm not usually a fan of greatest hits collections and didn't even remember having this. What a freakin great collection of music. Fell in love with this band all over again. What a Sunday night. So thank you to Via Chicago for pointing me in this direction.

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Just have to input here that "the one that broke my heart" -- pretty much everyone has one, I think -- was waaaayyyy into XTC, which almost ruined them for me.

Thankfully, the girl that I married, the right one, is also way into XTC, which saved them for me again.

She's the right one in so very many ways!

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Just have to input here that "the one that broke my heart" -- pretty much everyone has one, I think -- was waaaayyyy into XTC, which almost ruined them for me.

Thankfully, the girl that I married, the right one, is also way into XTC, which saved them for me again.

She's the right one in so very many ways!


Great picking by you!


Having a spouse/significant other who shares your musical likes/obsessions is so awesome. My wife doesn't appreciate all my musical interests (GD, Allmans, i.e.) but she shares many, including Wilco (and XTC back in the day). Makes being Wilco obsessed so much more enjoyable for me.

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Great picking by you!


Having a spouse/significant other who shares your musical likes/obsessions is so awesome. My wife doesn't appreciate all my musical interests (GD, Allmans, i.e.) but she shares many, including Wilco (and XTC back in the day). Makes being Wilco obsessed so much more enjoyable for me.

Wrote our own vows and in hers, she promised "to go to Big Star and Pavement shows with (me) for as long as (her) hearing allows."


Good one.

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