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Beatles Songs You Actually Dislike

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Yeah the Beatles. The best loved, most talked about band in rock music that reached the zenith of popular appeal and critical praise. They're in every 'Top Album' list. Their catalog is amazingly solid. So what are the Beatles songs you dislike. (Of course the minute anyone dismisses a song, someone else will chime in and say 'WHAAAT? I love that tune! Which is exactly why discussing the Beatles is still interesting; most people know them, most people like them, and everyone finds their own little spin.)


I'll start:


'The Long and Winding Road'- Paul at his worst: sentimental, drippy, slow moving, no edge, no sense of humor. The Let It Be (Naked) version is a bit better but still a yawn fest.

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Obladi Oblada.

Seems to be the standard choice, but I actually don't dislike that one.


Does "Revolution #9" count as a song? If so, I pretty much dislike that one. (Although having heard "Revolution #20", I think that I get it now and it's pretty freaking brilliant.)

I would say that I dislike "Why Don't We Do It In the Road?". It's just such a nothing.

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'The Long and Winding Road'- Paul at his worst: sentimental, drippy, slow moving, no edge, no sense of humor. The Let It Be (Naked) version is a bit better but still a yawn fest.


This. And that's all I can think of right now. I think there was a thread a while back about which voice do you prefer, Paul's or John's. Paul is much better singing harmony, IMO.

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Michelle, Yellow Submarine, Yesterday.

Yellow Submarine I can kinda see, as it's really a kids' song.


But "Michelle"?!? For that bass solo, alone it is transcendent.

And "Yesterday"?

That must be a product of overexposure.

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Yellow Submarine I can kinda see, as it's really a kids' song.


But "Michelle"?!? For that bass solo, alone it is transcendent.

And "Yesterday"?

That must be a product of overexposure.


Yeah, sure, hearing them since 48 years back, maybe sometime I enjoyed some of them, though I doubt it. And I would apply them the same adjectives used by lost highway for TLAWR (bear in mind i'm not a native English speaker not lyrics are/were so important for me in my teens)

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Wow, Paul is taking a beating here.


To be fair to the other Fabs: my nominations of worst song by composer:

Ringo: (50/50 shot here, no? between Don't pass me by and Octopus's Garden?) Octopussy's Garden gets the nod for worse.

John: Revolution #9.

George: Blue Jay Way (Just a northern song gets honorable mention)

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It get's dodgy because Ringo was never supposed to be a proper songwriter, Revolution #9 is more a sound collage than song, and George only got a song or two an album. He was also a late bloomer.


Paul has written some of the most enduring pop music ever. He seems to have slightly more material in the second half of their career. He also seems to be the easiest target.

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Paul has written some of the most enduring pop music ever. He seems to have slightly more material in the second half of their career. He also seems to be the easiest target.


Paul IS the target, but only by comparison with John (Ringo and George do not really count...).

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Drive My Car - a local FM station plays the "toot-toot beep-beep" part as the intro/outro to their traffic report which they broadcast every 10 mins. or so during morning & evening rush hour. It's a song I used to be ambivalent about, but after several years of this I can honestly say I hate DMC.



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Drive My Car - a local FM station plays the "toot-toot beep-beep" part as the intro/outro to their traffic report which they broadcast every 10 mins. or so during morning & evening rush hour. It's a song I used to be ambivalent about, but after several years of this I can honestly say I hate DMC.




Kind of sums up my opinion of The Beatles in general. Many truly great songs, but overplayed to the point that I have no desire to actually sit down and listen to them.


I can't think of any other band/artist which I would put into that category.

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I'm sure I'll get some disagreement here but I've never liked Within You Without You. I had a friend in college and we would always have the same argument when Sgt. Pepper's was on: he'd say it was the best song on the album and I'd say it was the worst.


I second this. It stops the record dead in its tracks. There's no way it's better than "A Day in the Life" or "She's Leaving Home."

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Maybe it sucks to have it in the middle of a CD, but I always loved it and thought it was a great track to start off Side B.

Least favorite: their covers of stuff like Kansas City, Please Mr. Postman ...stuff like that.

Least favorite original: probably something off the first record or two, like Hold Me Tight, which is pretty lightweight, to put it kindly.

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