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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. Hardee har har. I was going to post something longer, but I shortened it so as not to completely bore you all. And one thing I deleted was that "Ashes" is the ONE song that I insanely love to watch Nels and Wilco play live. You're right. It's stunning and beautiful. But for me, NOT ONE pre Sky Blue Sky song is improved live because of Nels. The slide guitar on A.M. and Being There is perfect. Bennett's rock licks on Being There are perfect for those songs...no matter how sloppy or simple. Jeff's guitar on AGIB can't be topped....whether it be Hell is Chrome or ALTWYS.
  2. That's funny, considering the Bulls are the team with Noah. In slow motion, it was easy to see that Rondo's foul was intentional. But live it looked like he was swiping at the ball. My question... Who would have shot the free throws had Miller not been able to? Based on Miller's brick, and his insanely pathetic attempt at slamming it against the rim (which he missed by a mile) demonstrated that someone else would have given the Bulls a much better chance at tying the game. Vinny should have told Miller he wasn't going to the free-throw line.
  3. I agree with much of this. Nels is a very talented guitarist. No doubt. But I agree about the lack of emotion thing. I don't know exactly why, but Nels' guitar bits never do the same for me as instrument bits by other Wilco musicians...like Jeff's beautiful moment in ALTWYS (Glenn's drumming is eqaully emotional). This has taken me awhile to fully understand. I really loved Nels the first couple times I saw him live with the band. He's extraordinary to watch. But over time, I'm realizing that his fast fingers aren't really adding to Wilco as a whole. My favorite Wilco show without Jay B
  4. I've been hoping for Lebron vs. Wade in Round 2. Though, that's doubtful based on last night's ugly Heat loss at home. C'mon Miami! The Celtics are very vulnerable, but I say their pride gets them a comfortable win tonight. Game 6 in Chicago will probably be another thriller.
  5. Just as a test, I'd love for one city to jam the voting boxes with Diamond Claw or Panthers or Joe Dimaggio's Done it Again or Unwelcomed Guest....
  6. Uh...kind of big deal to not have Garnett, don't ya think? Maybe the Celts should have won bigger in game 2, but Gordon was ridiculously hot. I'll predict a Boston win tonight and a big game from Paul Pierce. If the Celtics don't win one of the next 2, Boston's toast. Without Garnett and Powe, I don't think Boston would win in round 2 anyway.
  7. Someone posted earlier that he agrees Mascis is a better guitarist, but that's it. Well, that's a HUGE deal, is it not? Mascis guitar playing sometimes IS what makes his songs so great.
  8. Ha. This is silly. We all have our OPINIONS. I prefer Mascis' song-writing AND singing. Nirvana was THE hip band and the music industry in general fawns over Cobain and Nirvana. I could list 10 Dino. Jr. songs I like better than All Apologies. I think my favorite Cobain performance was when he sang a David Bowie song.
  9. I'm not a defender of using torture. Neither is the admiral. Sure, it was a mistake by the Bush administration to set up a torture program. That's something we should never have to use. But 9-11 WAS different. If it's true that water-boarding 3 people (one of whom masterminded it all) led to information that prevented an LA terror attack, maybe we should be glad that there was something in place to get information from the most extreme of terrorists. It's easy with our hindisight-20/20 goggles on to be all compassionate and caring and moral. But at that moment of history, if that a-h
  10. An admiral admits that good info came from the interrogation techniques. He admits he's not a believer of it, and thinks its wrong. But post-911 was a very scary and mysterious time. The Bush administration didn't know what attack, if any, might be next. The Bush administration claims the interrogations prevented an LA attack, and some memos released supposedly support that. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30335592/
  11. Considering they're not playing new material, not playing covers, and not doing anything majorly different with how they play the songs, Wilco is doing a great job of having unique setlists each night....as always. But I've heard all these songs so many times. And I'll hear the songs AGAIN when I listen to the new DVD. If they played in my town tomorrow I don't think I'd go without free tickets. I'm jealous of those seeing them post-new album. Those shows should be very fresh.
  12. London Calling is great to my ears. Aeroplane IS all that. Knowing it was inspired by the Diary of Anne Frank makes it even more interesting. Sgt. Peppers is great 'cause of its vibe. I think it works fabulous as a whole. How many really think Nirvana is better than Dino Jr.? Seriously...music's subjective, but that's just wrong. I don't dislike Cobain's voice, but J. Mascis voice works VERY well with Dino's sound. He can sing kinda gruff in some songs, very pretty in others.
  13. No, that would be a non-Wilco song....something the apparently don't play anymore. California Stars seems to be the one song that Jeff lets his friends play in on....a great song, but why waste Buck on that? You're in Athens, home of arguably the best band of the past 20 years, and you let the musical mastermind of that band play acoustic for California Stars? C'mon. With Peter Buck on stage, why not blow the roof off the joint and play one of R.E.M.'s old classics? Sorry. That wouldn't be a Wilco tune would it? My bad. (I love the Wilco. But their missing some golden opportunities to
  14. You might be right. But the Bulls had all the look of a team with nothing to lose and are playing extremely loose. Now that they've played Boston very tight IN Boston, Chicago might be favored to win in Chicago. Suddenly their might be a little pressure on Rose and Gordon. If Boston keeps losing players (Leon Powe strained his knee and is questionable), the Bulls WILL pull it off. But I think Boston squeaks this series out.
  15. I'm guessing they won't start playing a lot of new material until it's decided (IF it's decided) to stream it on their website. If true, I like the decision. The early Sky Blue Sky songs they played didn't sound that different from how they sounded on the album, and it kind of lessened the impact of the record, in my opinion. With youtube, the whole world can hear a newly played Wilco song within hours. And we're all very unpatient nerds, so will of course listen to it. Hopefully the next record will sound as fresh as possible.
  16. I think the Bulls blew their chance to win the series last night. Rose and Gordon played successive career games, while the Celtics kinda sputtered around. I'm not sure Chicago can count on one of their guards to score 40 points every night. Allen may have woken up after a dreadful game 1, and Pierce is due for a super game, after 2 just OK games. I'd love to see someone battle the Lakers close, but I don't know who. San Antonio may have the best chance because of their defense and their playoff experience....and it's an odd year. That's a good thing if you look at the Spurs' recent hi
  17. I don't really get the hype of "Horses", but I like much about it. "Trout Mask Replica" I'll admit to giving up trying to like. Usually after listening to a little bit, I'll throw in Matthew Sweet or something to hear something more 'normal'. A classic album I never "got" was Nevermind. Maybe it was groundbreaking because it introduced the world to a "new" sound....a sound done MUCH better by bands like Dinosaur Jr. ('Teen Spirit' WAS fanastic though....that song alone deserves a TON of hype)
  18. The Brewers mitt logo IS great. Here's it is with other great MLB logos:
  19. Any realistic chance we WON'T see a Cleveland vs. LA Final? I'm saying no, but Boston will put up a good fight in the East. (if Garnett is back....Doc Rivers is saying now he's not sure if Garnett will play AT ALL in the postseason!....yikes for Boston.) Seeing Wade vs. Lebron will be awesome...if Miami gets past Atlanta. Denver will be tough for LA. And San Antonio's experience gives them a small chance.
  20. Band On The Run was the first to pop in my head. But 3 others I like even better: Uncle Albert/ Admiral Halsey - Wings You Never Give Your Money-Came inThrough the Bathroom Window - Beatles The Island - Decemberists
  21. Fun show. I liked the closing songs...especially Wheel. And ALTWYS never sounds bad. Good to hear a couple surprises. But sadly no new songs....something most could have predicted, with it being webcast world-wide. While were in anticipation of hearing the boat-load of new material, why not something a little fun or different to stoke the die-hard fans? Playing something off Wilco Book (have they EVER done that?.....does that disc exist in Wilco's minds?) would be KICK ASS. Or a Loose Fur song. Or, maybe a cover of the Milwaukee-based Laverne & Shirley show's theme song. Thank
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