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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. You're amazing. Is your mind a trap made of steel? You provide me a good segue to discuss Bryant's very poor acting skills on the court. Throwing his arms in the air and making a whiny-bitch face every time he gets called for a foul DOES NOT make the referees change their mind.
  2. I appreciate your efforts, but I still think he's a prima-donna, limelight-lovin', whiny ball-hog.
  3. Yeah, Jordan and Bird WERE very confident, which at times might seem arrogant or cocky. It's all splitting hairs. I don't know. There's something different about Kobe. I've seen him whine a bit on the court, which other stars have done probably, but maybe they did it in a more professional way. Karl Malone used to complain a bit, but it never seemed whiny. Same with Barkley or Magic or McHale. Kobe whines like Penny Hardaway or Tim Duncan. It just rubs me the wrong way. I used to love it when Jordan would get a bad call or someone would stuff him or steal the ball from him. You could see
  4. I agree. They're songs are mostly gooey, sugary, teeny pop, but many of them ARE catchy, and they are all original songs. The main singer/songwriter (Nick) is a decent songwriter, but squeaks a lot when he sings, which is VERY annoying. They're very young, so who knows how they're music will transform.
  5. Yes. True. But, TO ME, they didn't strike me as cocky, arrogant, whiny, god's gift to humanity that Kobe seems to convey. It must just be me.
  6. He IS a great player. No doubt. But many times he forces long-jumpers, as if he thinks he's so good he can shoot over anybody. Especially at the end of games. But yeah, many great players do that, and is part of what I DON'T like about the NBA. The college game is so much more of a team game offensively, and more interesting.
  7. I like the Lemonheads "Car Button Cloth". And "Shame About Ray" was great. Radiohead's performance was really cool, I thought. The Jonas Brothers showed that their not a "crappy" band, just a kind of a young stupid band. Was neat to see Stevie Wonder play Superstition. McCartney was decent but, and not to sound like I'm ripping old people, but he just can't sell that rock n' roll anymore. It's similar to Steve Martin on SNL a couple weeks ago....he just doesn't have the same physical-ness to be funny. The Rap Pack thing was cool in style, but I hate rap for the most part, so didn't lik
  8. I'm late to this thread, but wondered if anyone else is totally annoyed by Kobe Bryant? And not just because he's a wife-cheater. It's no wonder he always scores a lot of points, as he shoots the ball ALL THE TIME. I watched most of the Celtics-Lakers game, and it was comical in the OT. He starts off by shooting 2 long jumpers with Pierce ALL OVER him, and somehow still makes the shots. So he takes 4 more long jumpers later on, with Pierce guarding him even closer....I mean, Bryant had NO reason to even try to shoot....but did. And he bricked all 4. Pass the ball, you hog! Gasol and Odom w
  9. MANY great songs have already been mentioned. Here would my favorite 25 (at least for today): Carnival of Sorts Perfect Circle Maps and Legends Letter Never Sent So. Central Rain Seven Chines Bros. Texarkana Country Feedback Find the River Crush With Eyeliner Lotus You Are The Everything E-Bow the Letter World Leader Pretend Disturbance at the Heron House Fall On Me Gardening At Night Try Not To Breathe Harborcoat Falls To Climb Why Not Smile I'll Take the Rain Strange Currencies It's A Free World Baby Fretless (The last 2 didn't make the cut for Automatic, but could have.)
  10. The Steelers players, coaches and fans. And the referees.
  11. The Arrowhead experience IS great....especially when they're playing good. I never, in my lifetime, have seen my favorite NFL team in the Super Bowl.....hence by bitterness to Steeler fans. SIX championships?!! It's just not fair. (violin music inserted here.)
  12. I agree. The ending 3rd is SO underwhelming. And his voice drove me...uh...pardon the pun....batty. You all hear the Christian Bale rant that apparently was broadcast on TMZ? It's funny as hell. I think it's a year old, but got leaked somehow. I guess Bale got pissed at a sound or lighting guy interupting a scene during filming of the new Terminator movie. Here's a sampling of the 4-minute rant: "I will kick your ass," says Bale in the rant. "I want you off the f***ing set. No, don't just be sorry. Think for one f***ing second. What the f*** are you doing? Am I going to walk arou
  13. Don't EVER forget who won Super Bowl IV. That's right....the Chiefs. Suck it Vikings!
  14. Yeah, but I don't have nothing to post in The Office, NCAA Football, Dark Knight or NHL thread.
  15. Ha. I like how you state that it was the correct call "100%". Um....OK. For argument's sake, WHAT IF Warner lost his grip (or fumbled) going back, then re-gripped the ball (as the ball didn't go anywhere...it remained right by his hand), and was able to throw it? Warner has stated after the game that he didn't make a big deal about it because he "knew" it would be reviewed. He just assumed it would be looked at.
  16. The play you're speaking of happened later in the game. Yeah, on that play, they drew the white line on the screen showing he was inside the tackle boxes. But on the late-hit penalty play, Ben looked very clearly to be inside the box. Nothing was said about it during the telecast. Instead, the focus was on the late hit.
  17. First....the fumble-or-no-fumble almost definitely doesn't change who won the game. But I've seen the replay many times, and it's 100 percent clear that his arm is moving forward. NO doubt. The question is, was the ball fumbled? My take: Yes. It looks to be jostled initially. BUT....it never looks to leave Warner's hand and it looks as if Warner is able to re-grip the ball, and grips it enough to move it forward and then releases it....enough so that it resembles a spiral. The ball wasn't fluttering. The ball goes forward 4 yards in the air....it's recovered 5 yards down field. Isn
  18. Wow. That's pretty cool. Haven't tuned in Letterman for a long while, but will now.
  19. Good point. But who takes the bullet for Shake It Off?
  20. Ditto. I like the current Wilco, but there's no denying the incredible run of Being There, Summerteeth and YHF.....AND the Mermaid discs. We'll never know how those records would have sounded without Bennett, but he contributed a good amount. I disagree with this: "10. My Darling - the prettiest song on Summerteeth was composed entirely by Bennett." Maybe it IS pretty. But I skip it many times.
  21. I've had this on rotation for the past week and it's better than I thought it would be. There's hardly any clunkers. Actually, I just skip over one song. I love the opening 4 songs, which I already had heard on myspace. But am really liking the later songs in the disc. My Gospel Song For You and Life's Warm Sheets especially. Their 2 voices together really are magical most of the time.
  22. Great game. The play before half-time was HUGE. It looked like the half-time score would be Cardinals 14 Pittsburgh 10. Instead, it's Pittsburgh 17 Cardinals 7. What an amazing swing. The roughing call against Ben WAS atrocious. (On the same play, I didn't think he got outside the tackle box, and thought it might have been a flag, as Ben threw it away out of bounds.) I thought the replay on the final play CLEARLY showed Warner's hand going forward. Yes, it looked like the ball was jarred loose, but Warner's hand remained gripping the ball (perhaps loosely) and he was able to extend
  23. If my life depended on picking the winner, I'd pick Pittsburgh. But I have a feeling the Cardinals play a game similar to when they played the Eagles.....an early lead, hold on in the 2nd half, and pull it out. Arizona' recievers are very talented, and I think Warner will be cool and experienced enough to connect many times with them. Arizona 24, Pittsburgh 17 Congrats to Derrick Thomas for making the Hall of Fame! MUCH deserved.
  24. You expect me to say "yes"? You KNOW it's so much more than that. Choice is fine. But many have a problem with the Freedom of Choice Act. That bill could eliminate state restrictions on abortion. That would include parental notification. Some fear the law would prevent hospitals and doctors with bad consciences (who believe abortion is wrong) from not performing them. As a Catholic, we have parts of service each week that asks us to pray for various people. Last week, we were asked to pray for Moms and Dads who are grieving over their loss of their aborted baby. Pro-lifers kno
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