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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. ...also, "Superstition" (Stevie's version, naturally)
  2. I had intended to post this exact thing.
  3. Me too. I still see it around occasionally.
  4. Yup. That one's still going strong during the warm months.
  5. It's hard to pick a key play, really. One could argue that the interception at the end of the first half was as important as any other play in the game. Or, for that matter, the other interception. Tough luck for Bradford -- the box score shows that he threw two interceptions, but it doesn't show that those balls both hit his receivers right where they should have, and were then taken away by the Florida defenders.
  6. Not a bad choice, but I prefer "Pulling Mussels From The Shell"
  7. Awesome. Couple finds 1869 baseball card of first professional team (Cincinnati Red Legs)
  8. There's an A&W drive-in just up the road from where I work -- only open during the warm months, though. They still have the glass tankards, carhops, the whole deal.
  9. Blenheim -- yeah, that stuff is wild. I can go for their regular ginger ale, but the hot stuff is more than I want to handle (and I love spicy stuff). My father is a major fan.
  10. It's probably soaked in beef tallow, like their fries. "beefy Coke"
  11. In my personal opinion, you could not be more wrong -- about glass. can vs. plastic bottle ... meh.
  12. I miss the days of my youth, when I could crack open an ice-cold 16-ounce glass bottle of Coca-Cola, revel in that mist of vapor and aroma that wafted out of the mouth of the bottle, and then enjoy the tastiest carbonated beverage ever created. Sadly, I just can't handle the sugar anymore, and I haven't seen a domestically produced 16-oz. (or larger) glass bottle of Coke in decades.
  13. So people are wrong about what they like? When I was a kid, I watched a woman administering the Pepsi Challenge at the mall. A strong majority of the participants picked Coke, but she kept telling them they'd picked Pepsi.
  14. When you girls finally figure out that your fizzy water doesn't need any kind of namby-pamby flavorings, natural or otherwise, let me know.
  15. You may be right -- if not insane, perhaps diabetic. My blood sugar was driven over the edge by sugary soft drinks. Congrats on making such a drastic change. I could never give up the fizzy stuff altogether, so I've been a drinker of diet soda for many years.
  16. I can't find any confirmation that this son of a bitch is dead. Link?
  17. In that case, I would have picked "You Know My Name, Look Up The Number"
  18. Boston College beats North Carolina, then loses to Harvard? Sure, Amaker starts winning big games once he leaves Michigan...
  19. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I found any of the diet Canada Dry this year. I saw a bit of the regular, but not much. I have a couple of 2-liter bottles of the diet pomegranate 7Up in reserve. It's pretty good, but not my favorite. And yes, the Sierra Mist cranberry is "meh" at best.
  20. I used to drink that stuff by the gallon. I got a bit tired of it after a while and have only had it sporadically over the past decade or so. I've cut way back on my consumption lately, but my main poisons haven't changed much: Diet Rite (especially the tangerine and white grape flavors) Diet Cherry 7Up Diet Sprite/Diet 7Up/Sierra Mist Free (if it's lemon/lime and diet, count me in) Canada Dry Diet Cranberry Ginger Ale (when I can find it) I'm avoiding caffeine and excessive sugar, so...
  21. You've met me, right? Don't try this at home. Now that you mention it, I don't think I could get past two Chipotle burritos at a time. Those things have an extremely high density. What sucks is that I had a friend who could routinely out-eat me, and the guy was a beanpole. So unfair, on virtually every level.
  22. Amateur. I'm trying to mend my ways, but back in the day...
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