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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. Though it's not explicitly stated, the subject of the thread hints at a lack of employment.
  2. This is a popular idea on the right, but I'm not buying it.
  3. I would have a hard time without SOME kind of internet, preferably faster than dial-up. We have a fairly basic cable TV package, and I'd prefer to keep it, but it would get axed before the internet. None of that other stuff matters to me. I don't do coffee or bottled water anyway. I enjoy concerts but am not obsessive about them and could easily cut them out. I have a bare-bones prepaid cell phone that I almost never use and simply wouldn't renew. My existence is pretty frugal even in good times. Internet is the only thing I'd really hate to lose.
  4. I'm pretty sure you're right. Except that it's not particularly funny. They're trying awfully hard and just not hitting the mark.
  5. One of my favorite songs, but alas, it doesn't really fit the category. Almost...
  6. No, but the Good Ol' Boy Network has that state in a stranglehold. I get a lot of my Texas politics news here. Granted, she's biased, but she does cast a light into some disturbingly dark corners.
  7. A guy from Texas laughing about another state's politics?
  8. Yo-Yo Milli and Itzhak Vanilli OK, I laughed, but when I was watching them I was wondering how those instruments could possibly have sounded good or stayed in tune in that weather -- so it doesn't surprise me that they used a recording, and I'm fine it.
  9. Just glad I got a chance to see 'em play.
  10. Salon had this to say in their War Room column: "No word yet on whether it will be a pop-up book complete with fold outs showing wolves dodging helicopter fire or moose being field-dressed."
  11. Mine came when Kramer vs. Kramer beat out Apocalypse Now.
  12. Never understood the fuss over that song. I love Richard Thompson ... but that's nowhere near one of my favorites of his.
  13. Not really. I haven't seen any of them, so I didn't say anything about them. My contribution was exactly what it should have been.
  14. I did read on further, and what I read merely confirmed that you did not, in fact, see any of those films. I read many reviews too ... that doesn't mean I know anything substantive about the films I've read about. Come on, are you going to tell me that anything in the quotation below really contributes to this discussion? No worries. I'm guessing the fact that you've not seen any of the nominees puts you on par with a large percentage of the Academy voters.
  15. Not to be an asshole, but if you haven't seen any of these, why comment on them?
  16. That was the first song I thought of, but I guess I stopped short of submitting it because the double-tracking of Lennon's vocals is pretty loose, and there are some obvious vocal overdubs. However, because it's all Lennon, I guess it's technically "a single voice," so...
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