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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. It's not a complete dud... I think it's pretty cool, actually ... but when I was there I was seven years old and got separated from my family, and honestly thought that they would just drive on without me. It was traumatizing enough that I still remember it quite vividly.
  2. I haven't seen anything about an opener for the Ann Arbor show. I'm not expecting one.
  3. QFT It was fun when I was 7. So was Wall Drug.
  4. Ah. But the approach is from the south. I saw the canyon from the north rim.
  5. Is that catwalk on the north or south rim?
  6. Don't fall in. I love Bryce Canyon National Park, and also Zion National Park, in southern Utah.
  7. I saw him about a year ago and he sounded far better, is all I'm saying.
  8. By outrage, I mean stuff like this. This writer makes it all about her, of course, and not so much about Springsteen. She's just pissed off that she hasn't been able to control her idol's career trajectory. Boo fuckin' hoo.
  9. Yeah, I'm glad he did it too. I don't understand the outrage.
  10. You think? I was disappointed, though not terribly. I'm pretty sure he cut a verse or two out of "Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out," which sucks, but is understandable due to time constraints ... and I didn't think his voice sounded very good -- at least from "Born To Run" on. Perhaps the crotch collision knocked it out of him. He seemed winded after that. He wasn't bad ... but I was hoping he'd be in top form, and I didn't think he was. It was cool to see the Conan O'Brien horn section there, though.
  11. I thought it was incomplete when I saw it happen, but the replays convinced me that it was a fumble. His arm was moving forward, but he no longer had control of the ball at that point. But yeah, I think they should have stopped the game for a careful review ... someone said they reviewed it in the booth, but for such an important call, I think you have to go through the motions to let everyone know that you took a good look at it. On NPR this morning, a news reader referred to the game MVP as "San Antonio Holmes."
  12. It was pretty clear that Harrison got across the goal line. Amazing play, but it's almost too bad that it happened, because this might have been a hell of a Super Bowl without it (especially if the Cardinals had gotten the touchdown on that play instead). edit: OK, I guess I hadn't looked at the score in a few minutes. Steelers 20, Cardinals 14. Maybe this will turn out to be a good one after all.
  13. Yesterday I listened to the entire second show of the 2008 winter residency (2008.02.16) -- the matrix recording.
  14. I do too. For what I'm sure are ridiculous reasons.
  15. Wow. Those are weak. The CareerBuilder one is terrible. And why does E-Trade think we want to watch a baby throwing up?
  16. If you don't understand what happened in that soda thread, I can't help you. Hint: I don't like Tebow either.
  17. Thanks for digging that back up. That was funny shit.
  18. Confirming once again that you have no sense of humor, junior.
  19. Never happened. Go try and find it if you're so sure.
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