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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. I don't think I'm going to watch this crap next season. Of course, I said that last season, too.
  2. Hopefully someone will call someone else another rude name soon.
  3. I searched desperately for some indication that this story was posted on April 1st. No such luck.
  4. That's a pretty incoherent post for someone who just called someone else a dumbass.
  5. I learned something today.
  6. It's on. Pink tutu? Gorilla suit? B&D outfit?
  7. Jay acts like he's the only one who's ever had a friend hit on his old lady. This is probably why he jettisoned the old Son Volt lineup -- can't keep too many of those lecherous, conniving men around for too long -- his wife might end up finding herself attracted to someone a little less controlling. Yes, I'm (mostly) kidding.
  8. I'd like to know what you'll do if it's not.
  9. Huh. I do not recall that -- though I've only seen Sunken Treasure once. It does sound like something he'd say.
  10. Hell yeah. Let's get back to the days when it was obvious why they were called "albums."
  11. Assuming you're talking about 12-oz. cans, that's 40 cans a day, or 480 ounces, or 3 3/4 gallons. Where did you get your "one every .4 hours" figure? Personally, I doubt I've ever drunk much more than two gallons of diet soda in a single day, and those kinds of days don't happen often.
  12. So, Jeff stroked her hair, and on your own you decide to escalate the incident, first to grabbing her "boobie," then to "practically raped." You're getting a little too excited about all this. Why don't you lock yourself in the bathroom with the latest WWE magazine and a box of Kleenex, and come back when your sexual frustration is no longer getting in the way of your thinking. What he said.
  13. I doubt that would have been funny three years ago, never mind now.
  14. That must have been where I failed. I only have the Bachelor's.
  15. Apology not necessary, Ms. Y!
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