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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. Several of my friends went to that show and raved about it. I wasn't all that into VH at the time (and I'd never gone to a show before) so I never even asked my parents if they'd let me.
  2. article On Salon.com today, Glenn Greenwald posted some interesting commentary... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Bush administration's terrible luck with finding documents I feel -- in this vaguely intuitive sort of way -- as though there is some kind of a pattern buried within this set of facts, but as much as I search, I just can't quite figure out what it might be: New York Times, today: Political advisers to President Bush may have improperly used their Republican National Committee e-mail accounts to conduct official government business, and some communications that are r
  3. Really Rosie. My mom bought that for us, but I think she liked it far more than we did.
  4. You seem to think that the people who want him fired actually listen to him.
  5. Wouldn't that have been the first "final tour" for It's Hard?
  6. If you would refrain from niggling me in this manner, that would be damned white of you.
  7. That's because he had turned his back to you.
  8. Just giving you guff. I love that book dearly. It was my first Vonnegut.
  9. That book takes about twenty seconds to read. You actually put it down?
  10. Yeah, come to think of it, so were mine ... though I still have no idea what they might have been.
  11. I have no idea what my first album purchase was with my own money. My parents had bought me a few things over the years, and I listened to a lot of stuff from my older brother's collection, but my own first purchase probably came in about 1979. Consequently, it may have been something I wouldn't be real proud to mention now. The first album I definitely remember buying with my own money (though I strongly doubt it was my first-ever purchase) was Journey's Escape in 1981. My parents never took us to "rock" concerts, but I grew up going to bluegrass, folk, and other stuff on occasion. Mostly l
  12. The world is a lesser place without him.
  13. Use the FLAC Frontend to create WAVs ("Decode"). Then turn the WAVs into whatever you want, using whatever program you want. Why do I feel like I've explained this half a dozen times in the last month? Oh. Because I have.
  14. You read it wrong. I'm saying that if you go after Imus, you also have to go after the rappers. They're both wrong, and in the same way, so let's treat them the same way. I'm not saying Imus should be allowed to "move on with his show." I'm not defending him at all, but merely pointing out that if the people who are so upset want to be consistent, there are a lot more targets out there for their outrage.
  15. Care to explain that? I'm not getting your point.
  16. Well, as has been observed many times, reasonable people often disagree.
  17. No, but it does say: A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ...which many reasonable people interpret to mean that the right to keep and bear arms is tied to the existence of a "well regulated militia," and not a free pass to do whatever one likes with the things.
  18. I've never heard of Jason Whitlock, but I'm impressed.
  19. I'm not a fan of guns, but I'm also not someone who thinks it's realistic (or even desirable) to ban them. That said, I'm constantly disappointed in the NRA, who seem to think that it's important to fight common sense attempts to lessen the danger of firearms: assault-weapon bans, registration, background checks, etc. If the NRA were a legitimate, responsible advocate for safe gun ownership, I'd consider supporting the organization. However, so long as they maintain their paranoid "from my cold dead hand" rhetoric and extremist positions, they are just another part of the problem. My two c
  20. Imus is a maggot, and I wouldn't shed any tears if he were fired. At the same time, I hope the people who are outraged about his use of the word "ho" to refer to women save some of that fire for the rappers and others who have popularized the term. If we fire Imus but we give a pass to those responsible for the ubiquity of that denigrating slur, we create a double standard that's more destructive than anything Imus said. But to be clear: I'm not defending Imus at all. I would just hate to see him become the lone scapegoat for a problem that goes way beyond his ridiculous little radio progr
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