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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. Didn't OTM go a while back? I have no idea what his board name is these days...
  2. You misspelled "neurotic." I think what you were actually going for was "mnemonic."
  3. Their cover of "Remember (Walkin' In The Sand)"
  4. After that video, I think everyone was interested in girls. Or at least those two girls.
  5. link Surprised no one's mentioned this, but it's Aerosmith, so maybe no one cares. Paging Joe Perry: this is a big neon sign telling you to pack it in. Without Tyler, there is no Aerosmith. If you decide to go through with it anyway, maybe you should contact Gary Cherone.
  6. As long as there is a physical object to buy that provides the music at optimal quality, I will continue to buy that object rather than go to a purchased-download model. To date, I have never bought a single digital download. But I'm weird. I might start buying downloads at some point in the future, but only if they're lossless ... at which point I'd probably buy whole albums only, and then burn them to CDs anyway.
  7. The school and conference have had their say, but if ever there were a case that warranted some action by the NCAA itself, this could be it. They could ban her from ever playing college soccer again ... and personally, I think that would be appropriate.
  8. Feh. I'm glad people still want to watch it, but it's been losing me for a long time, and this was just the final nail in the coffin. The Jim-Pam wedding was probably the shark-jumping moment anyway, so it'll fizzle out after another season or two on its own. Now if NBC would just put Community and 30 Rock back-to-back, my Thursday evenings would be greatly simplified.
  9. It's not enough. I'm (finally) done.
  10. No comments on the most recent episode? I know I'm becoming a broken record about this show, but yes, I hung in for one more episode, and it did nothing but confirm my feeling that I'm done with this show. This was a bad one. The competition between Dwight and Andy just wasn't all that funny, and then there was the whole business with Michael and Pam's mom. For me, part of the strength of the original concept of the show, as it was carried out on the original British series, and in the first few seasons of the American version, was that no matter how much of an idiot David Brent/Michael
  11. ...and now we have an office shooting in Orlando. What the fuck is wrong with people?
  12. Meh. I exaggerated to make a point, perhaps unfairly.
  13. I've been listening to it in bits and pieces (haven't had the time to give it a dedicated listen, but hell, it's nearly six hours long), and what I've heard has been great.
  14. I think it wouldn't be too hard to divine my answer to that question, but it's probably something to be discussed in a whole other thread, if at all.
  15. Well, then instead of "assumes," how about "denotes"? By your definition, Wes Craven is a terrorist.
  16. The term "terrorism" assumes an agenda and/or intent behind the act of violence, usually political in nature. Just because some bastard yells "god is great" before he starts shooting a bunch of people (regardless of the language used or the god referred to) that doesn't automatically make it terrorism. It could just as easily be a random nutjob with an axe to grind, deciding to yell something to make his act of mass murder seem like it's motivated by something other than being an evil douchebag. Sadly, the label matters ... and it's too early to apply one here. Let's wait and find out what
  17. Too early to know for sure exactly what it was, but one thing's for sure: the dead don't care if it was capital-T Terrorism or merely mass murder. Bullets are bullets, regardless if there was political intent involved in the firing of them.
  18. This is so cool. I wish I had the Photoshop skills to do this. "The Wu-Note Project" - Wu-Tang Clan album covers re-imagined as Blue Note covers. Post at BoingBoing Flickr stream
  19. For hours they had been reporting that the gunman was dead, but late last night I heard that he's still alive. Way to check your facts, newsmedia. I guess that means that we may one day learn why this happened. Isn't it hard enough to be in the military these days, without worrying about getting shot at a U.S. base?
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