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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. totally agree with you! he could accomplish so much more in the Senate or Congress.
  2. YAY! that's awesome! I love it too. glad you're enjoying it!
  3. both of these are my least favorite songs on SBS.
  4. I've thought about Lewis's character a great deal since yesterday. I did get sucked into the story and his downward spiral into madness. I would go into it further, but I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone that hasn't seen it.
  5. everyone lives so far away! I used to jam in KY. many moons ago I would play stand-up bass and mandolin. good times!
  6. up until today, I had only seen No Country for Old Men. I saw There Will Be Blood today. I'm not much for debating, and I'm not a huge film buff. Daniel Day Lewis's performance was absolutely amazing. So was Paul Dano's. I was locked in to the story through the entire film, just as I was with NCFOM. I can see where people would dislike the end; I didn't like it myself, but it was powerful and disturbing. I can agree with Beltmann's point of stating that Anderson was saddened by Daniel Plainview's character. he just ended up, and always was, a low down dirty dog. NCFOM had an abrupt end and ma
  7. I like "Silly Love Song" by Sir Paul. I like a lot of his sappy stuff.
  8. what, are you going to blackmail me someday or something? edit: "black mail" or "blackmail?"
  9. I would post a picture of myself, but it would be too salacious.
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