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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. embiggen


    I thought Amy's performance was good. glad to see her get her shit together.
  2. there should be some sort of support group for tinnitus sufferers. sometimes I wonder if I'll ever experience total silence ever again. my anatomy teacher is an acupuncturist and tinnitus can also be related to bruxism (grinding your teeth) which I also have. I'm going for a treatment with her on Tuesday and hoping that some muscles in my jaws can be released and maybe help the tinnitus. I don't know...it's worth a shot!
  3. I have had tinnitus for YEARS! it sucks and doctors haven't been able to do anything for it except give me klonopin so it doesn't drive me completely crazy. but yes, ear plugs are a must. if you happen to forget them, ball up some toilet paper and put that in your ears. sorry you have to deal with this.
  4. my husband worked on that show for 6 years. believe me, he is pretty heartbroken over it too, as am I.
  5. read this article Ross Greenburg is a cock. he knew about this on Wednesday and acted all heart broken.
  6. not! it was a legitimate question since I'm not familiar with the term "crushing."
  7. there is a certain thread you should stay away from...
  8. I can't believe this debate about the Super Bowl is still going on. it's over with. get a grip.
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! :party :party :party
  10. glad the sooies are ok I have to call my mom!
  11. I think this rule is such bullshit! you should be able to vote any way that you want regardless of your party affiliation.
  12. side effects may include, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash and boils lasting up to 3 weeks. btw, I have already voted!
  13. I have a friend who is from Boston. she calls herself a "Masshole."
  14. Picture yourself in the living room your pipe and slippers set out for you I know you think that it ain't too far But I hear the call of a lifetime ring felt the need to get up for it oh you cut out the middleman get free from the middleman You got no time for the messenger, got no regard for the thing that you don't understand, you got no fear of the underdog, that's why you will not survive! I want to forget how conviction fits but can I get out from under it? Can I gut it out of me? It can't all be wedding cake It can't all be boiled away I try but I can't let go of it Can't let go of
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