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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. you gave them hell for doing the right thing? nice.
  2. IMO, that is bullshit. you can't prove how much that person is using. it doesn't matter how much time that person spends there. if they claim it as their place of residency and the agreement is to pay half, they should pay half.
  3. I was not. but if I had been in your shoes, I would have gone anyway.
  4. Yes. he still claims residency there, so yes.
  5. man, you should have just gone to that Spoon show.
  6. no doubt. she was the future and the first female prime minister of a Muslim country. the people loved her. this is truly tragic.
  7. have a fantesticle birfday!!! :party :party
  8. Happy Birthday Lammycakes!!!! :party :party :badger :badger
  9. I think your assessment is correct, but you don't have to be on drugs to enjoy it. I have it and listen to it quite a bit, on drugs and off.
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