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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. my nickname for absinthe is "liquid lucifer." it can be fun or it can ruin you day.
  2. embiggen


    I thought the actual performance was great, but I dislike the choice of song. what was up with the flowery white suit?? too funny!
  3. make sure you drink it the way you are supposed to; pouring the cold water over the sugar, etc. do that and you'll be fine. do shots of it, you'll be pretty fucked up for a while.
  4. I'm from Nashville actually. once all the SNL stuff passes, things will calm down around here. it's a crazy time on the board. don't let it get to you.
  5. did you not read my reply? I think the problem is that you are complaining so much about Charleston that no one has paid any attention to your other posts. you're known, at this point, as just complaining. calm down.
  6. I met Roy Acuff as a kid too. I met Little Jimmy Dickens the same night. so we have something in common, yes?
  7. yes. they had a choice. I'm happy with their choice. I'm sorry for Charleston, but as it's been said 5 million times, they are rescheduling the show. it's not canceled, it's rescheduled.
  8. embiggen


    I'm glad they are going to be on SNL. they should have been invited a long time ago. they deserve to be on this show. THERE! I SAID IT!
  9. embiggen


    I will proudly watch the show.
  10. you're right, it was Billy Cox. I get him and Mitch mixed up. I just remember Dad talking about them and stuff.
  11. he is. he actually knew Mitch and Buddy back in the day when he was a budding musician in Nashville.
  12. I usually get a xanax prescription before flying. not to mention a beer or two. I try to fly on Jet Blue because they have tv and radio and you can usually listen while you're taking off and landing. that helps me as well.
  13. sad news indeed. I bet my dad is upset about this...
  14. ellsworth, if you don't like the fact that this board is moderated, then why do you hang around? it isn't going to change because you don't like it.
  15. it must be difficult for people to live while holding on to so much anger all the time.
  16. I'm sorry for your loss MChris and Bethany. Chris, she sounds a lot like you and I can see how she has influenced your life.
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