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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. good times! another Libra birthday! have a great one! :party :party
  2. The Beatles were the greatest band ever put together in the history of the world. EVER! factual!
  3. :party :party Happy Birfday fellow Libra!
  4. you could make a wig out of that hair.
  5. let's all get up and dance to a song that was a hit before you mother was born
  6. I am actually enjoying this. I think it's put together very well and conveys the story clearly. it's harsh, that's for sure.
  7. I like YHF and AGIB equally. however, I voted for YHF because it "sealed the deal."
  8. what's wrong with being a little self-righteous?
  9. do you love us all with all of your heart?
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