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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. I saw Goodfellas in the theaters 5 times for the same reasons: good story, great music, high body count.
  2. Hey, writing funny is much tougher than being funny.
  3. Saw the Chicago premiere on Aug. 3, 2002, I think, at the Music Box, a night or two after they had a special showing for the band and friends. They had a big organ playing, like at an old-time theater. It opened with with trailer, and the volume was much too low. Sam Jones was taking questions after the show, but I bolted for the Riv to see Wilco later that night. Saw it a couple more times at the art theater in Cleveland, but the sound was pretty horrible. Pretty sure I pre-ordered the DVD from Amazon, and I remember thinking it was pretty silly for people to go tracking down their UPS g
  4. So we're not talking about the Dead Boys' bassist? RIP Stiv.
  5. "Booze Cruise" was pretty good. Except I don't think that was really Lake Wallenpaupack.
  6. Geez, a lesson in concert etiquette. Makes me glad i was at the (shorter) Lakewood show.
  7. What sets Neko apart, besides her voice and her songs, is her ability to combine ballsyness with vulnerability that make her shows not just amazing and entertaining, but also interesting. You feel you're getting something deeper than a surface performance. That said, I'm fine to give Shonna time. Right now I think that she's more of a "change-of-pace" for the Truckers' shows, but I see lots of potential there.
  8. And endorsement from beyond the grave. Actually, her vote would still count in Chicago.
  9. This is why I don't bother trying to get a great spot up front anymore: you invest time and effort, then find yourself next to some needy person doing the "Me Show," bound and determined to make the night about him/her.
  10. They were before the whole SNL thing.
  11. Boomtown Rats don't like this.
  12. So if we were all at the show, would we be saying all this clever stuff during the songs?
  13. This guy has absolutely nothing to say. But that doesn't stop him from saying it.
  14. I'm starting to get pist! Beavis and Butthead though this was "pretty cool."
  15. Well, they shot about 38% and lost by five. That'll happen.
  16. I'm doing a mashup with Pick Up The Change and the HD crazyness - intense!
  17. I'm holding out for Pick Up The Change.
  18. The good part of the mortgage crisis is this won't be so much a of a problem.
  19. LeBron youngest ever to 10,000 points! Ok, so they're down by 15.
  20. Doesn't he sound like the oh the humanity guy?
  21. I miss Jay Bennett finishing Jeff's thoughts.
  22. Aren't they the same guy?
  23. Actually, I like to take credit for the Cavs getting LeBron, since it was my idea to have the Plain Dealer do a "Think LeBron" page to get all of Cleveland to will the draft lottery to go our way.
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