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uncle wilco

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Everything posted by uncle wilco

  1. i have that book and it does little to give any lyrical clarity.
  2. st. louis has an accent? i don't think so.
  3. you know..."impossible germany...unlikely japan"...i mean it's sooo obvious. i don't hear any mussolini references though...i'm gonna have to listen again...
  4. Star Wars Lost Auditions Star Wars Lost Auditions, Part II
  5. i know of no better online community to hang out on. some of the threads in the last few days are evidence of that.
  6. it's about two of the three major axis powers of ww II.....duh!
  7. do you work for espn or something? oh, and pacman jones is a loser. there...i said it.
  8. so, you think you had me all figured out, huh.... unlike a certain president, i can admit my mistakes. and he was one of them. it's early yet, but obama is currently leading the pack for me. the only candidate i absolutely will not vote for is hillary and that is my final answer. the republicans have yet to produce a candidate that i can listen to with a straight face. how far has that party fallen?....pretty...pretty......pretty......far.
  9. from steve's site: steve martin and john [mc euen] actually learned the banjo together growing up.
  10. seeing what the tigers were able to do is inspirational. that was a huuuuge turnaround.
  11. i love the band and all, and i recognize their influence on wilco. but that's not the door i came through to become a wilco fan. for me...before wilco, there was uncle tupelo, before tupelo there was the nitty gritty dirt band. if it wasn't for them, i probably never would have discovered uncle tupelo and later become a wilco fan when i did. the dirt band imo has a pretty impressive pedigree in their own right. i won't be and idiot and compare them to the band side by side, but i think they should get more credit than they do by today's artists/critics. i think their 1978 - 1981 detour through
  12. "That's a bold statement" -vincent vega BigWheeledWagon, i'm not giving up and i don't feel a "sense of duty". it's just that i now look at music more in terms of how [or if] it speaks to me, not at just wanting to keep the bands discography up to date on my shelf at home. i used to be obsessive like that. i'm holding off on a verdict until when/if it finally "clicks". wilco has and always will be the band i go back to regardless of what other bands/music i'd been listening to. it's a similar situation to when radiohead followed the bends and ok computer w/kid a and amnesiac. that was a
  13. believing that there's finally someone steering the ship that know's where they are going goes a long way. and taking a few lumps along the way is part of the process. the royals have been circling the drain for over a decade before dayton showed up. things are going change...i can feel it. [isn't that a line from beck's "loser"?] even george brett is optimistic and that means something. he's been in hiding for the last few years and i don't blame him.
  14. i hope i can say the same thing after about a week of listens.
  15. jc penney is the lower-middle end of retail, just above walmart and target and neck and neck with kohls. in comparison i'd say you'd probably want to be checking out some of the good charlotte discography. they are semi "current" but also in the "that's so last year" category. kind of like the clothing at penney's. btw: i've been known to shop there myself.
  16. i couldn't have said that better myself. at this point in my life, the mystique is gone. there is still the music, but the larger than life stuff that used to surround a band no longer exists for me. and i kind of miss that. i'm now drawn more to artists my age that i can relate to (jeff, jason falkner, glen phillips, etc.) and see the younger generation as a large collection of garage bands who all just blend together. once the current dinosaurs retire for good (who, mccartney, u2, etc.) i don't see much future in a band selling out a stadium. where is the new pink floyd with a floating pig,
  17. at least someone gets it. i don't care what party at this point, i just want common sense back in the white house. if that's even possible nowdays.
  18. so, is this gonna happen or what? i'm ready to get some penguins gear if it does.
  19. well, i'm registered independant who happens to be a conservative so i'm a free agent and right now, obama is looking pretty good. politically, if you aren't fiscally responsible, you aren't a conservative and bush has been writing checks he can't cash since he took office in more ways than one.
  20. what the hell is a neocon anyway? anybody ever define that term? it's not a real conservative, because bush is not and never was one. in fact, he has single-handedly destroyed the republican party and has caused actual conservatives to leave the party in droves muttering profanities and wishing they had a time machine to keep that jackass out of office to begin with. democrats everywhere need to write him a real nice thank you card.
  21. i listened to some of agib on my way home from work too. after hearing two more songs from sbs i wanted to do a little comparison and right now, agib is way ahead of the current record in terms of hooks, melody and better overall songs. nel's guitar is amazing but jeff was no slouch on agib. there's definately more immediate satisfaction with agib. still, i'm a long way off from writing of sbs. it's only been a day now. and what's the rush? i'm sure when the next record comes out, sbs will be held in much higher regard. (just kidding) i'm starting to think this is more of a mood record
  22. seeing bush in action the last 6 years, clark's quote about their original intentions sounds completely within the realm of possibility. they probably already planned the victory parade through the streets of baghdad before the invasion started. i'm sure they had a banner made and everything.
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