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uncle wilco

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Everything posted by uncle wilco

  1. Joe Rogan gives Mind of Mencia a piece of his according to this k.c. star blog, viacom, which owns cbs and comedy central, among other entities got this video taken off you tube. go figure...comedy central's got to protect their own i guess. also this likely won't end up on vh1's best week ever/viral video show's either since they are owned by viacom as well. gotta love media empires. if they'd do this for some worthless hack like carlos mencia, aka ned holness you don't think they'd show some favoritism/bias towards a political figure or party come election season? gotta do what's right for t
  2. considering this has nothing to do with me...can i go now? how did i ever get into this conversation? and no, don't remind me.
  3. and again, i don't know why that matters to them. i don't participate in the "trading pool". any versions that i would get as an mp3 would have been freely offered as such and any person who values the quality of the format that much would steer clear of an mp3 anyway.
  4. i don't like you anymore. then again, i never did. aricandover/f*ck yinz, you need some counseling for your passive/agressive bullshit. one of these days you are gonna piss off the wrong person and they'll actually be there to do something about it. as for me? i really don't care. i don't recall using the word douchebag or anything equal to that. what's wrong with liking hobbits and playing with light sabers? i didn't mean to call anybody out.
  5. born in 1968 i think you were probably smoking your first doobie around that time...weren't you....come on louie..fess up! i was one of the idiots waiting in line for hours outside our legendary local glenwood theater (now demolished) when the original star wars came out. i see the end of rolling stone significance as starting with the late 70's and it was definately d.o.a. by the time MTV went on the air.
  6. in my nearly 5000 posts, a good 4500 are slathered in sarcasm. that's how i roll. my apologies to those who don't get that. i've been doing this since 2003 for gods sakes!!! of course the standard line is that sarcasm doesn't translate well on the internets. maybe i should resurrect my old disclaimer stating my affinity for the dry wit.
  7. i mean no harm by my comments to those who indulge in the live show taping experience. that's their deal and there's nothing wrong with that. what i can't understand is why they care so much about what format it's in and why they care about an "inferior" version for those who can take it or leave it. why would somebody give a shit? i just don't get it. there's an open hostility there that needs a serious ass whoopin' to put things back in perspective. it's just music...it's entertainment...or art...or all 3. to each his/her own.
  8. i didn't know that rogan was a comedian and i don't care for any of the stuff he's done. but this...this is probably his best work ever. this is one of the best documented slams i've ever seen. i never liked mencia, but now i really don't like mencia. btw: i was wearing the same t-shirt as joe when i watched it the first time. that was kinda weird.
  9. what? did it leak on FLAC already? 'cause i'm saving my judgment till i can pick it up at best buy for $9.99. those snobby dorks always get to hear new shit first. where did you go? s.m. south? jocks at that school were the wussy boys back in the day.
  10. i liked it the first 100 times i heard it. but on the 101st, it began to grate on me. overexposure, for me is really the only problem i have with songs in ads.
  11. i'm thinking that the band is made up of stellar players but maybe the creative chemistry isn't quite up to expectations yet. if you've got a group of guys on similar footing as musicians and the band is called wilco, meaning "the band that jeff built". they are gonna naturally defer to jeff in the end. maybe jeff needs a stronger presence in the band to bounce new ideas off of. of course, the new record will show exactly where they are in this respect and i'm only speculating. i'm just hoping that another jay bennett-type has or will step up. for all his flaws, jay was an important part of th
  12. i'm willing to forget all about wilco stumping for kerry. they should have given "the drone" to use in his campaign. obama is a much better candidate and should be given any pick from the wilco catalog. i don't think anyone would mind. i sure wouldn't.
  13. i give up...who? oh, nevermind.
  14. i could stare at this cover all day. now i'm going to have to check out the music.
  15. obama looks like a giant in that picture.
  16. i'm still waiting for fred armisen to return the favor to jeff and get wilco on snl. i'd never even heard of fred until i saw him in the wilco documentary. i mean, come on...they had lily allen on the show. what the hell has she done to get on there except look cute and sing a faux-reggae-tinged pop tune...did i mention she was cute...?
  17. yeah, but that chick is hot. the serious look on their faces when the two meet makes me laugh. and you can't take song away from johnny even when it's done by someone else in a commercial because his voice is too memorable and too much a part of the song.
  18. i don't even know you so i won't miss you and i don't really give a shit about live shows and i've certainly never asked you for one, nor would i. i'm an mp3 simpleton, therefore i'm beneath you. if you left the board just because of me, you have other "issues" you need to deal with because i've never had a single conversation with you whatsoever. ...so...go young jedi...and may the force be with you...
  19. i wonder how many of these artists would've passed tipper gore's PMRC standards. funny how people have long forgetten that bit of music history bullsh*t. btw: the environmental impact of this concert would ruin the antarctic climate with the discarded trash, marijuana smoke, port-a-potties, not to mention the hot air al gore would generate causing increased melting of the polar ice cap. f*cking do-gooders.
  20. snow patrol? actually, i hear fall out boy have a huuuuge penguin fanbase.
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