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uncle wilco

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Everything posted by uncle wilco

  1. me too. i wore A.O.'s #26 from little league through high school. he was my first sports hero as a kid. my football hero was O.J. and i wore his #32 from pee wee through college...needless to say, he let me down a little. btw: the royals have a legit G.M. in dayton moore and will be making noise in a few years. there are some good young players coming up (alex gordon, billy butler, etc.) and things definately can't get any worse. you'll see.
  2. i don't think they planned on being mired in iraq for 4 years. or who knows what else they might have done.
  3. can he make me an omlette? that would be cool.
  4. that's an honest opinion. nothing wrong with that. i'd be lying if i said i wasn't a little disappointed myself. i still think it's an enjoyable listen, but it doesn't have any moments that give me goose bumps or make my hair stand on end. that, to me is the mark of a great album. those moments are becoming less and less for me with new music in general, not just wilco.
  5. "the k.c. royals will be 2007 central division champs" - some dude the quest for .500 coming soon. it could happen... seriously. quit laughing...
  6. when bernie left, so did their integrity. 3 words regarding sky blue sky: poco rocks harder
  7. i like christopher walken
  8. they probably ought to give back the grammy then too since that was at least two years late. wait...you still have a subscription?...
  9. wilco on the cover of rolling stone and playing snl would have been cool... in 1978. now?...not so much.
  10. Masked Hater II, if your alias on the farrar board is bill carson, then that explains a lot. i admire your work sir. carry on. if it's not you, then...nevermind.
  11. excuse me while i get something off my chest. i made the mistake of checking out the jay farrar board for the hell of it. i'm a longtime lurker there. one poster in particular made me both cringe and laugh out loud. his name is bill...and he's...special... first of all, i consider the jay farrar/son volt fans as friends of the jeff tweedy/wilco fans, "cousins" of ours, if you will. once upon a time, not that long ago we all co-existed in relative harmony. many of us are regulars on both boards, either as active posters or lurkers. this kind of attitude displayed by mr. carson really rubs me
  12. ...oh, no you didn't and i am digging the vibe of the record. i guess the difference with this vs. the past records is there was a more defined balance between uptempo and the quieter songs. this one doesn't seem to have that. however, nels' guitar is magnified as a result, which really is kinda cool..that's all for now, more later. please keep former american idol also-ran, never where's outta here. that is so not rock and roll.
  13. ok, so i broke down late last night and listened to the first six songs twice so far. i've actually heard the whole album once, but by the last 6 songs, i was in a deep sleep (literally). i'm sure when i get to the second half on my way home from work today, i'll have a few deja vu moments since they are now floating around in my subconscious. so, it's far too early for a full review from me, but my first impressions... lots of influences here, some pretty evident, some only hinted at (fripp, steely dan, big star, the band.). right or wrong, at least those are the artists that came to min
  14. it's about the last pickle in the jar. nobody wants that one.
  15. i hope they do another version of handshake drugs for another EP. can't get enough versions of that one.
  16. i think that gum looks like a plastic explosive but i didn't see any wires sticking out. love that sticker btw.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbp6tiDmZao http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icIfKsY5Cks
  18. is there any song in the style of the dandy warhols' "bohemian like you" on the new album? wilco ought to cover that one someday. in fact, i wished they write a few numbers like that. just wondering. i'm still holding firm and not listening until the release date.
  19. single? wilco don't do singles. what song will be in the first video?......uhhh, nevermind. they are the only band i know of that insists on being under the radar. and that's fine with me.
  20. how can you not laugh at that?...that's some funny shit right there.
  21. ummm...thanks for that what's that smell?
  22. that sounds about right. i was 14 that summer.
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