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uncle wilco

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Everything posted by uncle wilco

  1. i believe there was a lawsuit involved when that came out. rip jerry, see ya on the other side.
  2. "what light" is in the music choice rotation on my digital cable. of course i've heard nothing on the radio, so i would have to guess "what light" would be the song on letterman. i'd love to hear "hate it here" on letterman though.
  3. i can't wait to see it when i get home. i like the group shot of the band in the loft in the booklet and the individual black and white photos of the guys. the packaging is cool. i see jeff is getting a design credit too.
  4. can't wait to see the dvd when i get home. i purchased sbs w/dvd at best buy for $22.99 before tax. not bad. i would rather have gone to an independent store to get it, but they are now sadly extinct in my area. i appreciate wilco letting us check out the new album the last two months for free. it probably took half that time for me to come to appreciate the album as much as i do now and i was more than happy to buy the disc, and dvd. very, very cool to add the dvd. i hope the fans show jeff and the guys that trust continues to build loyalty and that they won't hesitate to be as cool to
  5. by the way, derek.. good review. it's well written and i really like your take on the album.
  6. i'm purchasing mine in about 45 minutes. i'm going for the bonus dvd version. this will be at least the 3rd time in the last 3 albums that i've purchased the new wilco on it's release date.
  7. tim finn seems to devote more time to covering american idol than actual music reviews lately. it's a nice enough review, i guess. nothing to get riled up about. he acknowleged that it will grow on you. nothing to see here really.
  8. jeff never liked the police, but i don't hold that against him. if i modeled all my musical tastes after a favorite artist's record collection, i'd be a f*cking robot. and while i'm one-quarter swedish, i've never (and will never) own an abba record.
  9. if the music still speaks to you, does it really matter what state the ole' career is in? that shit doesn't matter to me. i like a well crafted pop song and i was never able to see neil in the last go-round. i'm sure they aren't gonna be charging eagle price-gouging tickets either. plus, the uptown in k.c. is a terrific venue.
  10. nothing like watching old shit to make you realize how old you are.
  11. neil finn could kick don henley's fat bloated warbling ass.
  12. pitchfork rates a 0.291 with me anyway. if it wasn't for VC, i wouldn't even be aware of it's existence. that's how un-hip i am. it's interesting to see what clever things people come up with to one-up the last review. it's a pissing contest. and a weather channel mention in rolling stone AND pitchfork is a bit curious. someone may have been cheating on their homework. i'll bet it was the slacker from pitchfork, although his line was funnier. and even though rolling stone has been irrelevent for decades, i did enjoy their take on sbs.
  13. i doubt wilco gives a crap what entertainment weekly has to say, since they are the only ones who made eagles comment. it shows the ignorance of the reviewer and discredits the rest of what they have to say, A- review or not. no regular on VC would ever draw that comparision. we just like contributing to threads like this like vultures on a carcass.
  14. oh, hell YES!! thanks for posting this.
  15. Why, you wanna tell me how to live my life? Who, are you to tell me if it
  16. gotta love brian when i think of the eagles, i think of the original lineup, not what it devolved into. it's purely a corporation now bent on gouging aging fans' dwindling paychecks and need for nostalgia by charging outrageous ticket prices and repeatedly repackaging their greatest hits. enough already! this is what has happened to their legacy, all because of the greed of henley and frey. really sad that that is all they are generally known for now. i understand the disdain for the band the last 25 years, i just wish the bernie leadon version didn't appear to be thrown under the bus with i
  17. the eagles pre-hotel california did not suck. bernie leadon kept them in line. once he left, we all know the story...henley and frey's ego's exploded...yada yada yada...you want classic 70's country-rock? listen to the first few albums. you want crap?, enter joe walsh and timothy b. schmidt. quit bagging on their entire catalog. your snobbiness is showing. just my opinion. ...and sky blue sky sounds nothing like the eagles. i have no clue why that comparison is being made.
  18. i couldn't get past the first paragraph. expect alot of bashing reviews for this album. it's inevitable. while i love sky blue sky, too many others pidgeon-hole bands such as wilco and will not resist stomping on them when they don't fit their expectations. reviews for this album should be avoided by those with thin skin. it's not gonna be pretty.
  19. big maria mckee fan from wayback (lone justice). i'll be checking this out.
  20. sky blue sky on sale at starbucks? wilco appearing on the view? damn. when will jeff start pitching "sounds of the 70's" collections for time life? those guys from air supply have worn out their welcome. turning 40 sucks. i'll be there soon enough already.
  21. george lucas thought it was silly and over the top. yeah, that george lucas. who knows wooden acting, bad dialogue and overblown effects better than him?
  22. i think i liked your response about as much as the interview. good thoughts and thanks for sharing the article.
  23. sorry i'm late. happy birthday LouieB!
  24. just when you think bush couldn't do anything more to look like a bigger idiot.
  25. he looked nervous, used ridiculously large hand gestures and his answers were lacking. he does much better as a talking head on a cable news show. he's just not someone that convey's confidence to a voter imo. if horatio sanz hadn't been axed from SNL, he would have a heyday with richardson tomorrow night. poodle boy...i mean edwards is a smug little brat. i like how he over-emphasized his carolina accent for the home crowd. i can't stand his pandering ass. i know i'm not the only one who feels that way. his defense of the $400 haircut using campaign funds was shrugged off and basically he
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