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uncle wilco

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Everything posted by uncle wilco

  1. corporate america will get the grease regardless of who is in office, don't kid yourself. everyone is on the take and protecting their own interests. pretending otherwise is foolish. if anything, this attention is benefiting pearl jam even more. it keeps them out of the "where are they now?" files for another few years. hillary is just as "connected" as the bush family. regardless of who takes over in 2008, this issue is going to get even worse.
  2. well, it got pj some extra coverage in the paper anyway. what the hell are they complaining about? "George Bush, leave this world alone" and "George Bush, find yourself another home" wooooo....did eddie think of those lines on the shitter before going onstage?....pretty clever there mr. vedder. this is 2007 and EVERYONE is a critic of the president now. why is this even a story?
  3. did hank aaron even mention barry's name or was this just a video to be played if his record was ever to be broken. (?) "i'd like to congratulate (insert name here) for breaking my homerun record." at least barry didn't grab the mic and go rickey henderson. "today...i'm...the GREATEST...." this *record means nothing to me now. i did a book report on hank aaron in 3rd grade and he remains my first sports hero and will always be the home run champ. o.j. was my second, but i don't want to talk about that anymore.
  4. i don't listen to leaks. the only exception being the SBS leak. i purchased the CD/DVD of SBS on it's release date. i already buy everything wilco related anyway. i'm pretty set in my listening habits at my age and usually only purchase music from a band i'm already a fan of. i've been burned way too many times in my younger years by two good songs packaged with 10 more songs of "filler" by bands i knew little of. i was a regular at the local used cd store unloading those. those stores are gone now and to avoid being stuck with extra "coasters" my new music buying habits have sharply declin
  5. if fred thompson enters the fray, would all of his responses in the debate be punctuated by that noise from law and order? "and now, former senator fred thompson...DUN dun....." that would be badass.
  6. what band was better? mr. mister or the hooters? i never could declare a victor in that awesome battle of the bands. van halen's fall tour is really just for those who never experienced the live "dave" version of the band. i doubt he'll be doing much jumping, splits in the air or juggling swords, etc. this time out. just imagine your dad in tight leather pants, a bad blonde dye-job, a deep george hamilton tan and there you have it....so rock on, and pretend it's 1984. the farther from the stage you are the better off you'll be.
  7. Officer Slater: McLovin? Officer Michaels: [pause] That's such a cool name. Officer Slater: I know. It sounds like a sexy cheeseburger.
  8. The kids dragged me to: Surf's Up (would have been a great 30 minute cartoon, but not worthy of a whole movie) Ratatouille (up there with the best pixar has to offer. the bar has been raised.) I want to see: The Bourne Ultimatum (loved the first two) Superbad (the trailers look hilarious and it got two thumbs up)
  9. unfortunately, lindsay lohan, britney, paris and nicole are far more interesting to the general public.
  10. muse - black holes and revelations i wish radiohead still sounded this good.
  11. be that as it may, it never resulted in a mickey mouse character encouraging children to blow themselves up so some old farts can attempt to rule the world under islamic law. the crusades (sanctioned by his self-absorbed holiness, the f*cking pope) were 700-900 years ago. little did he know, it would still be the excuse given by islamic extremists hundreds of years later. thanks...thanks alot. would jesus invade the holy land for personal greed and bragging rights and cut off a few heads in the process...i don't think so. even so, there's no excuse for what's going on today...none whatsoever.
  12. who did you root for in the wizard of oz?
  13. i stopped counting halves when i turned 21. in fact i stopped counting altogether. i'm the same age as jeff tweedy.
  14. well, i think we all admit that dubya is an embarrassment. i believe he only used the "religious right" to get himself into office and to hide behind it in certain policy situations. i don't believe he is genuine, but rather a "tool" in more ways than one. he has betrayed those who put him in office and i only laugh to keep from crying when he pulls out the old "God told me to" excuse. that's a hunch of horseshit. i can't wait till the house is cleaned for the next corrupt administration. whatever party they may be representing. i'm done putting my faith in politicians or political parties. th
  15. so you favor "don't ask don't tell" then? actually it has EVERYTHING to do with being P.C.
  16. that's pretty much my take on this as well. Thantos, i was only ribbing you on this. i guess of all the threats to our country, i just don't see this making the short-list. there are those in any group that can abuse things of this nature, but don't see it happening in this case.
  17. BFD yeah...bible studies are pretty f'ing scary. does scooby-doo give you nightmares too? now, islamic extremeism...that should give you nightmares.
  18. I didn't see Kansas on that list. That has to be wrong. ...or maybe not.
  19. when someone advocating free universal healthcare...for life, shows little regard for his own health...that's a problem. his lack of exercise/bad diet will cause increase costs down the line that everyone will absorb. and besides, it just looks bad. Even he has acknowleged this and seeing the interview with him yesterday, it appears he is losing some weight.
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