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Everything posted by Edie

  1. that sounds great if you think that it will be OK for relative n00bs like me (to really listening to it, and not making a face and turning the channel).
  2. Edie


    After a certain amount of thought, I am not going to go afterall. I am not one for huge crowd scenes. Add in the hot weather -- yuck. However, I might change my mind Sunday.
  3. Yes, 95+ degrees for 5 days in a row made the place pretty unlivable. Mom's on the otherhand.... cool as a cucumber
  4. We am home tonight after three lovely nights at my mothers to beat the heat. Really, AC, free wine, and great food (and actually less driving time) made for a great time. Now I have to go cook dinner
  5. It also, um, can cause issues due to the location of the cervix with a well-endowed partner. Trust me, I know from whence I speak. However, as also previously stated, obstacles can be overcome. YEEHAW!
  6. That's an awfully big lemon.
  7. It is more of a comfort issue for the cowgirl assuming that the horse is truly that -- horse-like that is. However, all obstacles are merely that -- obstacles.
  8. Cowgirls aren't meant to ride in reverse, though I can see the view would be lovely for the "horse"
  9. Edie

    Golden Smog

    Porn name = Pepper Sheridan GS name (using original middle name) = Brainard Sheridan
  10. Are those froggy boots? Even better if they are
  11. Here are even more possible benefits. I certainly don't know if it is true, but in my limited experience, jake has never shown real separation anxiety.
  12. YAY! What's weird is that a woman who is nursing a 3 year old is complaining about pictures of other women nursing. Most people who nurse that long you would think would have a healthy respect for it and defend it at all times. Not to mention whether she stays in her house all day long, so as not to offend others
  13. I never had a problem with it. I nursed my son until he was 3, though after the first year, I rarely did so in public since I only nursed him first thing in the am and before bedtime. It was awesome
  14. Happy birthday! Ignore the "do not enter" sign and come back real soon for some good grub! We're still on for the 11th, right?
  15. No "y" and I think you are right: Am-bee-or-icks.
  16. I'm with you. I don't think I like the BBBH for Wookies trade. Can we complain to the general manager?
  17. I wonder what would happen if we all did this: You have chosen to ignore all posts from: Wookies.
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