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Everything posted by OOO

  1. OOO


    Hoodoo Vood-ooby Dooby?
  2. OOO


    This was my exact first thought when I saw this.
  3. Me and my friend should of wished you a long happy birthday but we recieved, a massage that said ", Hes swamped at his place-of-work, so keep it brief". Still I think its pretty ironic that you and kidsmokes daughter have the same birthday's.
  4. I am and will be thinking of you today, Gary.
  5. Sorcerer Another William Friedkin flick.
  6. Yeah i pretty much like him in everything he did. The Sorcerers, French Connection, 2 Jaws Movies.... Even Seaquest.
  7. I think LouieB is probably referencing the fact that if you compare either of our parties to some in europe, they both come off as relatively conservative.
  8. I think if you click on it from your email address it automatically adds your email address?
  9. This is why it's hypocritical. We invaded one country that wasn't a threat to us, but not this one.
  10. As creator of this thread, I request that all posts be able to fit onto one 1024x768 computer screen.
  11. I think the global warming/climate change debate makes things too complicated for no reason. Why don't people just argue that pollution causes tons of crappy stuff to happen immediately. Forget about the future and what we can and can't predict. No one is going to argue that pollution is good. Talking about global warming gives people who want economic growth over a "green" society more of a foothold. in my opinion. On topic: I wasn't going to post in this thread, but I changed my mind.
  12. yeah the special effects this season have been very impressive, and some of the stories i have enjoyed. I wish theyd learn how to work in homosexuality/bisexuality into the script believably instead of throwing it in the viewers face, but still, enjoyable stuff.
  13. He will come out of today with a bunch more "states", so while that doesn't really mean anything delegate wise, I think he can use that as a good talking point.
  14. I was just on my lunch break and stopped into a gaming store and they had a wii....so yeah. I now own one of these.
  15. You forgot that it had the greatest superbowl PLAY ever as well.
  16. I think you are confused. It is the Patriot's wins that now do not amount to much. edit: I'm glad we picked out the same quote, gary
  17. Sorry, I missed this thread...Happy belated birthday!
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