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Everything posted by OOO

  1. It would have been cool if uncommited won.
  2. if you pay an extra $1,000, you can get a 64GB solid state drive instead of the hard drive.
  3. I think if you caught him before a show he would probably nicely tell you to contact tony margherita, who is "the management". But I have never tried it, so who knows. And it's more likely than not you'd end up doing a phone interview, but maybe not. It can't possibly hurt to try.
  4. Yes, i saw something on CNN that showed a video where "Hannah Montana" for some parts of "songs" is not even the one on staging lip singing, she is backstage doing a costume change, to make the show go faster.
  5. I thought you people hated new zealanders. At any rate, farewell conquerer of mountains!
  6. What about the.... carpenter's union? Thanks folks, I'll be here all week!
  7. one would imagine most terrorists have blown themselves up by age 50. Also, I'm moving to canada. And by that I mean, getting one of these IDs and grumbling a little about it in line.
  8. Which union? The comm-union? *rimshot* [edit: Jay Leno just called and asked me to be a scab]
  9. Both HD DVD and Blu Ray have the capabilities to have DRM on them, but I think its mandatory that all Blu-ray discs have DRM on them. And you wonder why the stuidos choose BluRay...
  10. As long as we are advertising, and as long as you are on myspace, you might as well log in and vote for my really good friend Kina Grannis to have a 60 second Superbowl ad based around her music video.
  11. Barack Obama You are 8% economic right You are 1% more traditional You have a substantive agreement of 78%
  12. I was going to vote for Obama, but I'm a Huckabee man now
  13. OOO

    Jeff Bass

    It's going to be very simple for someone on this board to tell you the answer.
  14. I'm not really worried about Carroll leaving USC, he seems completely happy here. He doesn't really have to prove anything to anyone, and it's a pretty sweet gig. However, he is definitely the heart and soul of USC's revival, so it would be a devastating loss if he left. Hopefully its just a little ploy for USC to sweeten his contract a little. And i hope they give him anything he wants, because he's earned it.
  15. USC crushed lots of teams that beat Stanford this year, so yes, I agree.
  16. CNN has projected it as well now. Doh!
  17. oh ok. The associated press has called the race.
  18. this is the same exact speech he (edwards) gave in iowa!
  19. shrink that baby away!
  20. She was definitely a great presence and while I never got to meet her, I can say without a doubt that she was a wonderful person. I need only look at all the people she has touched in such positive ways to know how greatly she will be missed. "You can shed tears that she is gone, or you can smile because she has lived. You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back, or you can open your eyes and see all she's left. Your heart can be empty because you can't see her, or you can be full of the love you shared. You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday, or you can be ha
  21. OOO


  22. You can't make the drive down to Evanston to see it? Talk about lazy!
  23. Just got back from watching it...I still need to take it all in, but the direction, music, and acting were all beyond superb. I was drawn in and hooked for all 2 and a half hours. Daniel Day Lewis is just enthralling. I had a few qualms with it (I thought the silence at the beginning got stretched a bit too long just for the sake of doing it), but its probably a toss up with No Country for Old Men as my favorite of 2007.
  24. you're thinking of this:
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