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Everything posted by OOO

  1. UCLA's head coach was on Duke's campus recently as well, so i hear.
  2. "I'm stuck in the TARDIS, trapped in hyperspace" These lyrics alone make disc 2 worth it for me.
  3. Steve Martin in Little shop of horrors.
  4. In this case though, Wilco is providing a password if you email them. It's the same one as the WXRT one: winter.
  5. I would love to help out some fellow trojans, but I live pretty far out in the burbs and I don't think my roommates would allow me to have guests... It may be difficult to find friendly people in Chicago after Dec. 1st, when USC beats Illinois in the Rose Bowl, so try to find some place quick!
  6. Assuming the shows aren't going to be videotaped and they don't allow tapers.
  7. people still post questions for demos/outtakes even though there is a pinned thread for that.
  8. i think "all the studio recordings" would imply just the actual records, and "all studio recordings" would imply everything they ever recorded. I don't have any evidence to back this up, but just based on how those two phrases sound to me, and since Wilcoworld said the former, I am guessing they are only going to be playing from official "canon" records.
  9. From Wilco HQ: The bolding is mine
  10. This is inaccurate. AAC is a open format, is higher quality than mp3s of the same bitrate, and works on many/most devices, including: Creative Zen Portable Microsoft Zune Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) Sony Walkman Nintendo Wii PS3 Windows Mobile Devices Palm Devices Car Steroes will play CDs burned with aac files Lots and lots of mobile phones AAC will work just fine if you want something in a lossy format. It's better than mp3, but you get diminishing returns at higher bitrates, and so most people couldn't tell the difference between a 256 mp3 and a 256 aac
  11. There are at least 90 people who pay hundreds of dollars to see the Jeff Tweedy living room shows, so who knows....
  12. I bought my gifts and will be mailing them shortly. Everyone be careful opening your gifts, just in case you get the one from me.
  13. Once again, Wilco screws over us loyal Chicago Fans. They couldn't do seven days in a row? This is a joke. Also, I'm going!
  14. I was out of town and out of computer land for your birthday, mountainbed!!!! Happy belated birthday and I hope you had a blast!!! :worship
  15. I wasn't even a twinkle in my mother's eye yet when he died, but yeah, he was one of the greatest...and i wish he wasn't gone.
  16. Vibes from Chicagoland, froggie. You've always been so generous with all the shows you have, and I love it when you post stuff in Celsius. I love your stories about pubs (and peeing on your boss's lawn). Truly, you are one of the greats!
  17. Grass Holm - Kid Marine 1. President George Bush Turnpike 2. Parade of the Lost Souls 3. Sunga Empire 4. Event-related functional MRI 5. Crystal Scales This is an EP, and Kid Marine is already an album. This is protest folk rock with techno beats/beets.
  18. Christmas Story + Wonderful Life The best of funny and sentimental!
  19. I really hope someone from the Big Ten wins, because people are starting to call it a cream puff conference after UM and Ohio State last year. And if the top 3 all get crushed in the post season this time around....
  20. Thats the plan! I would have rather faced Ohio State in the Rose Bowl, and let LSU and Oklahoma battle it out in the Title game, but this stupid system....
  21. I thought Grossman looked really good most of the game, but those receivers just drop too many passes... Damn it bears!
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