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Everything posted by OOO

  1. On the bright side, we're all setting ourselves up to eat a lot of crow!
  2. I think they should absolutely go to the title game if they win out. They certainly have a shot in all their games, but people will be gunning for them, and I think its a longshot for them to beat BOTH missouri and oklahoma. But if they do the whole "one game at a time" thing properly...who knows?
  3. I can confirm that Sigur ros can not sell out the Hollywood Bowl, at least when I saw them they didn't. I'm sure they could sell out some venues, though...
  4. why wasn't my post quoted along with everyone elses??? edit: was it "Star Trek, the next Jenna-ration"?
  5. Un-Jenna-rous? My highschool students call me "Senor Oso" for some reason...
  6. You would cry too if you couldn't speak english. Also, I'd do Kirsten Bell, even if she shocked me in coitus.
  7. Tim Kring apologizes for some of what we hate in Season 2
  8. I see your "nerd" and raise you: I was going to go to a theater to watch a sneak preview of a Battlestar Galactica movie tonight, but I felt lazy and am staying home to watch Heroes.
  9. shouldn't this be in the music section?
  10. I agree, but you never know this year...
  11. I unfortunately have to send bad vibes the jayhawk's way. While I like the new blood, we gotta keep Oregon in the top 2 if my team wants to have a chance at playing in the Rose Bowl vs. what will likely be Ohio State. I think only Kansas can jump Oregon at this point, if everyone wins out.
  12. I think 300 fails in pretty much every way compared to Sin City. I wasn't a huge fan
  13. Sorry Michigan. Tough Loss.
  14. Sorry to say this, theshua, but you're kind of uniformed. People are into them because of the music. Radiohead isn't edgy at all...plenty of bands have already used interesting ways to get their albums out online (e.g. Harvey Danger.., but their story wasn't that big because their music isn't on the same level) And as far as railing against the music industry:
  15. there are lots of sexy radiohead songs that I would "do it" to. from the new album, "All I need" for sure!
  16. I concur, but i figured they got the time zone difference wrong and picked the "right" answer.
  17. that was fun...hope they keep it streaming
  18. They still play Tusk at the end of every home game. (And they still wear the sunglasses) Also, we have the self proclaimed "Greatest Marching Band in the History of the Universe". Get your facts straights!
  19. Because they are the best marching band in the world, in my unbiased opinion?
  20. I had 34, but guessed on most. I didn't guess on the Fleetwood Mac question.
  21. I like Bono more than I like Dylan.
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