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Everything posted by OOO

  1. I wonder how many red sox fans are holding off on posting in this thread for fear of jinxing the team.
  2. But you still decided to use your 20,000th post talking about them!
  3. I'm going to make the train ride out tomorrow to South Bend on the "Vomit Comet" and hide out in the student section with a friend of mine who goes to ND. Maybe the Irish are already using the power of prayer on us?? (Plus Booty is not starting... )
  4. Les Paul: Chasing Sound? I watched that recently.
  5. sweet video on apple.com: http://www.apple.com/pro/profiles/lespaul/video.html from this article about Les and how he's using his mac to make music and/or organize his archives of old material: http://www.apple.com/pro/profiles/lespaul/
  6. I believe both are technically fine these days, but why would anyone use irregardless instead of regardless?
  7. Froggie - For me, please go to a bar, get piss drunk, get out a guitar and play "Acuff Rose" solo acoustic. Then, take one (or two) of those busty barmaids home and enjoy your happy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  8. in the '86 version its a FAMOUS book by Nabokov!
  9. I'm still deciding about this friday. Depends on how I'm feeling.
  10. Yeah, I wasn't expecting much when I turned it on but I really ended up liking it quite a bit. I have the sarah jane adventures saved, but I haven't gotten around to watching any of them.
  11. The Infinite Quest with Tony Head as the bad guy? Thats the only animated adventure I've seen
  12. I was lying earlier - they are one of my favorite bands....I was hoping someone would take the bait a little more. The edge rules. You people are too calm today.
  13. Yeah I never understood the appeal of Bono's cheesy lyrics sung over the edge playing 3 or 4 notes in an arpeggio over and over. Not to mention they were sell outs from the moment they hit it big.
  14. So then don't say things like "uno, dos, tres....catorce!" ? Yeah, I agree.
  15. "Numb" was the highlight of these one hit wonders.
  16. Because apparently you can't get piss drunk without the man bringing you down. And the whole "weed is illegal" thing.
  17. I'm just curious how I was able to predict 4 hours ago that you were going to bring up the fact that you are an EMT - in a thread that has nothing to do with occupations, hospitals, or anything related to EMT's.
  18. You used your profession, just as you have in previous threads, to try and make yourself seem more noble/caring than the other people in the discussion. I correctly predicted this, did I not?
  19. how drunk do you have to be to post NCAA football stories in an MLB thread?
  20. get a room, you two. Although i imagine you already have one. So never mind
  21. It was in one of the comic books that come out every week.
  22. Gun control leads to an increase in door to door religious people because the less guns out there, the less likely they are to get shot at as they run away from your front porch. P.S. Analogman, I think there is a "that's what she said" somewhere in Poongooglers comment of "does it matter how big my hands or feet are? little help here?" I'll let you take that one though, it's too easy for me.
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