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Everything posted by OOO

  1. OOO


    I turned it on and was intrigued enough to listen for quite some time. Thanks.
  2. iPods play mp3s, so that would be fine. Anyhow, get something that records all audio coming out of your soundcard and capture the stream.
  3. It's true. I'm just glad it was stanford, since they are my second favorite football team. ::eats crow:: ::runs away with tail between legs::
  4. My trojans are choking! My trojans are choking!
  5. Oh, I see...Jumping off the bandwagon already? You make me sick.
  6. To Whom It May Concern (specifically, Solace), Hi there, Mr. Solace. You're looking rather good today. Have you been working out? I hope your Arcade Fire site has been going well, financially and spiritually. Are you enjoying autumn in minnesota? I hear the fall colors are beautiful near the Mall of America. Anyway, now that I'm done buttering you up, I have a suggestion that I was wondering if you would consider. Every now and again, in the "Someone Else's Song" section (and some others), someone signs onto the board and posts links to their personal band that no one has heard of. Some
  7. Sorry Wisconsin, but we needed to start pruning off some more undefeated teams. Now all that needs to happen is for Florida to work a little magic...
  8. :worship happy belated!!!! :worship I hope it was great!
  9. :dancing Happy Birthday Ms. Jeff Flick!!!!!! :dancing Here's a cake: oops, not a cake...oh well. Happy birthday anyways!
  10. OOO

    Milwaukee 10/9

    I suppose I'll be there.
  11. Same thing you said for laserdiscs, right?
  12. Sony backpedaled on the porn issue, and its no longer true that porn won't be allowed on it. They realized that would be shooting themselves in the foot. Blu-ray is technically far superior to HD-DVD, holding about 25GB to HD-DVD's 15GB (per layer), so for things like media storage, Blu-ray has clear advantage. However, both formats can be multilayered so it may not be a big deal. Visually both formats seem to produce very similar qualities. HD-DVD is cheaper to make, so companies like Wal-mart quickly got on board with that side of things. It did look as though that was winning early on
  13. I think they are both better off and happier with their own gigs, but I would definitely go see it. But tweedy said he cannot play bass fast enough anymore.
  14. I definitely watched him fall on top of his son at Millenium Park.
  15. I do think there should be a sub-forum near the bottom of the main page specifically for promoting one's bands. Maybe the mods can look into it. There is a large population on this board who seem to be in legitimate bands (myself NOT included), and I think a separate forum would serve everybody better. On the one hand, it lets the bands have a safe place to show off their music without fear of being yelled at. And additionally, it allows the Just a Fan forum to be free of "spam". I have heard of Pedro the Lion; I had a friend who made concert T-shirts for them.
  16. Claire is forgivable, based on her power, but I completely agree. Very annoying.
  17. Grandma Petrelli is alive still as far as I know, and maybe Hiro will meet his dad in the 60's or something and find out his power back then
  18. Well, I'm pretty sure the kid is going to be an evil person of sorts, as his views on "everyone else" being robots except for the "aliens" in life seems like it could lead to some sort of eugenics movement. Sort of like Magneto!
  19. It is not a completely new idea, and certainly Wilco is fantastic on this issue, however... 1. If I recall correctly, Wilco only streamed the album (And has for the last 3 albums, as well as the live DVD sunken treasure). Radiohead, on the other hand, is allowing users to download (presumably) full quality tracks, at any price they choose (starting at $1.00 to cover Credit Card charges). 2. Wilco's tracks had already been leaked to the internet in low quality mp3's and they had been dropped from a label; No one has heard Radiohead's tracks and they DECIDED to not go with any label. Wilco'
  20. Because when you rearrange all those letters you get SLOB COWS?
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