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Everything posted by OOO

  1. I once got too high and freaked out about how good the harmonica in that song was. True story.
  2. Al Gore is on Apple's board of directors, so instead of iPods on their homepage like usual: http://www.apple.com
  3. HOW DARE Y.... Actually, I agree.
  4. I agree, but I think the voters want to see if it was just a really good team doing a ridiculous choke, or a slow decay of a once great empire. I don't think simply winning will be good enough now. I think if we win but win poorly you'll start to see our stocks drop pretty quickly. If Notre Dame shows any life at all against us next week, we won't get lots of forgiveness. We'll see how our backup QB does against Arizona this week
  5. I think its partially because Michigan lost their first game (0-1) and then lost their second game (0-2), so they hadnt show any potential or spark at all. USC was undefeated and played some really good games, though we already were starting to look weak in the game leading up to Stanford. I think the theory is that USC has a lot more potential and is beating itself for the most part, so if they somehow pull themselves together, they will still be really good. Also we get more press because the program being near Hollywood and stuff seems more glamourous (i.e. Leinart hanging out with Pa
  6. No, once you sign up and go to the page for the facebook group, there is a code for you to use or there is a link to click that will open your iTunes and give you the songs.
  7. I would definitely listen to that as well...
  8. Paul is in third place in that other thread! He's not THAT popular. He just has some rather vocal (SirStewart, Bobbob, and myself) supporters
  9. >>>>>>>> I'll be thinking of you two!
  10. Especially silly since, if one was to be on that one place, and went to the place on that one place to upload "things", one might see a warning in big-red-bold text warning them not to do exactly what you mentioned.
  11. He did! Was YOUR father as bold as a sergeant major? P.S. this is the first time ive been ashamed to have the same color avatar as you
  12. I would start with the Bends, then go to OK Computer if you like that, then Hail to the thief, then this, THEN if you like all those, Kid A! All of them, in my humble opinion, are fantastic, and in terms of how digestible they are, thats the order id go in.
  13. 1. Log onto facebook 2. Search for "ticketmaster live" 3. Join the group 4. Redeem the 5 free songs 5. Leave the group (if you want) You can do any iTunes+ songs (No DRM and double quality) or the regular 99 cent ones! This works in the US only, as far as i know. have fun
  14. I think this is moving to my top spot for the year So happily surprised!
  15. You got an OiNK invite last february people can get banned for reinviting you.
  16. I don't really care for "One After 909", considering its from their later era.
  17. Seriously, this guy basically invented the electric guitar AND multitrack recording. His early stuff and collaborations with Mary Ford still sound futuristic and unique to this day! A great musician and inventor. Discuss. Edit: sorry for the typo in the title.
  18. Impossible to do but I'll go with "I'm Looking through you" and "I am the Walrus" I hope this thread devolves into whether or not the medley on side 2 of Abbey Road counts as one song.
  19. The right answer to this poll is knocking on the door. You might even say its ringing a bell. Go open the door and let the right answer in.
  20. Nothing but good football news coming out of USC these days. Our QB Booty won't be playing this week because of his finger. And Reggie Bush isn't even the biggest news thats been coming out recently of our previous Heisman winners...
  21. I would rather they kill off Nikki/Jessica, because I like Mr. Bennett and I DON'T like her. But the city didn't end up blowing up, and Dad won't get killed, in my opinion. By the by, I thought claire and her new boytoy flying around was super cheesy and lame.
  22. Your commercial analogy doesn't really make any sense. It's not a promotion, its the actual music... The pieces of plastic and paper that you get around it are all secondary to the music.
  23. I paid 4 pounds. Will steal lossless version if I need to.
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