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Everything posted by OOO

  1. Parkman's dad being the supreme evil thingy was fun, interested to see how that goes. Sylar, Maya, and Alejandro all in Claire's stolen car is fun too. I still think Claire's new boyfriend is going to be a bad guy by the end of the season. Overall I liked this one.
  2. http://www.matadorrecords.com/matablog/?p=914
  3. I prefer Don't Stand so close to me '86, unlike everyone else.
  4. thats actually pretty close to the picture in the signature right above.
  5. You just advertised for something I have never heard of before, and now I have heard of it. How stupid is free gimmicky advertising? not very.
  6. can you guys ysi me the drugs you are taking to make you guys believe you can ysi drugs?
  7. Would it be nerdy of me to mention that he didn't actually make the presentation in Powerpoint, but in Apple's Keynote software? He is after all, on their board of directors.
  8. I wouldn't call the universe revolving around the earth a core principle... And what religion thinks humans are divine?
  9. I typed in 9.3 into the box thingy, so I was confused as to whether or not that was actually their real number or not.
  10. In 1995 he made his screenname (not on VC) remphish1. Since then, he's made every one of his internet monikers (emails, messageboard, adult sites) "remphish1", just for consistancy. Even though now he's 27 and merely a shadow of the joyful exhuberant 15 year old who made the name, he still keeps the name. Thats what I think.
  11. We have to eradicate Let it Be just because it has "I Me Mine" on it?
  12. Thats not the real artwork, but its close:
  13. my sister went to BC so im rooting for them to win out.
  14. I don't mean to tell you your business, but I think that is a LouieR song. Who is LouieB?
  15. its telling that teams are comfortable giving the ball to the bears offense around the 50 yard line to keep the ball away from him...
  16. 1. The Beatles 2. Radiohead 3. Wilco 4. Talking Heads 5. The Who 6. The Flaming Lips 7. U2 8. My Morning Jacket 9. Belle and Sebastian 10. The Clash 11. The New Pornographers 12. Paul Simon (and Simon & Garfunkel) 13. The Police 14. The Shins 15. Paul McCartney 16. The National 17. Gomez 18. Arcade Fire 19. Califone 20. Weird Al The break in between the top 3 and the rest is intentional. Didn't quite make it but i still love: Bowie, Coldplay, Fleetwood Mac, Harry Nilsson, Pixies, R.E.M.
  17. How about Wilco....opening up for Wilco!!! (but seriously you could have the guys from the 99 lineup with jeff opening up for the current lineup)
  18. And this is why everyone loves college sports...anything can happen!
  19. you didn't include "beer" in a poll talking about man's greatest invention?
  20. I still agree with this. We should drop farther in the rankings.
  21. Vibes and healing thoughts are headed your way from Northern Illinois.
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