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Everything posted by OOO

  1. You are simplifying this a lot though. A lot of the time there is a cultural influence in poor neighborhoods where kids are taught by their parents that education isn't important and taught by their peers that not trying in school is cool. School funding is important, but not nearly important as parent involvment. If a kid wansts to succeed, even in the worst schools, he/she almost always will.
  2. DNA evidence indicates that modern humans originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago.
  3. Dennis Dixon is having knee surgery and will be out for the season... I'm real sorry Oregon fans, I was hoping you guys went all the way and got the Heisman this year... Here's hoping he ends up all right in the long run.
  4. You're not really going to convince people on this board to agree with you with another long winded quote from a biased source...
  5. I just don't understand why the only single thats sold more copies in england than "Mull of Kintyre" is "Bohemian Rhapsody". How was it so popular?
  6. I love his Christmas tune! Much better than, say, MULL OF KINTYRE!
  7. If you win out you play in the Rose Bowl! (Once my team beats Arizona State, of course)
  8. So the guy who caught Barry's last homerun ball... I imagine he just made a fortune if this indictment causes Bonds to not play again. But will him being a convicted steroid user affect the price of said ball?
  9. It used to be colleges only...it became popular because it was like a cool clique or something: "no non college people allowed" Once it gained enough steam though, it allowed all to join, and now its big business. Me and bobbob friended eachother on facebook today!
  10. I liked using it in college to find out if girls were in relationships after meeting them at parties, I don't use it as much now.
  11. We'll at the very least, we've just established the importance of a good English teacher.
  12. Its taken from a satellite image of Korea at night...You can see where the lights (modern civilization) are. It was a little jab at whoever was saying how great "communism" ends up working out.
  13. Since the greek and roman times, governments/leaders have realized that keeping the masses entertained is a pretty important job. Whether its feeding people to lions, Riding horses into eachother while holding lances, or throwing balls into hoops...people need to be entertained or they get bored -> angry ->unruly. So while I agree that it is a pretty useless skill in everyday life, its essential for keeping the lower classes complacent.
  14. Here is an mp3 of it being pronounced correctly. P.S. Salary generally gets determined by supply and demand, i.e. How many people people can do something. If a lot of people have the ability to do it, salary will be low. If few people can do it, Salary will be high. Most people have the ability to dig ditches or work construction, even if they don't want to. Few people have the ability to hit like Alex Rodriguez. It's not based on importance, but rather on supply and demand.
  15. Bill Gates has made a shit ton of money selling pieces of plastic burned with a laser. More money than all the rest of the people mentioned in this thread, combined. Had there been a cap on money people could make, these $60 billion dollars would have been spread over a large amount of people, and probably used to buy HDTVs/iPods/lapdances. At any rate, Bill Gates is now using his incredible resources to rid the world of whole diseases and is making the world a better place. I hate almost everything about Microsoft, but because of the way capitalism works, Bill Gates has become the most m
  16. Happy birthday, Pocahontas! I hope Mountainbed remembered to get you some Cherry Garcia!
  17. I am the laughing stock of the board. Also, yes, I'll wear it.
  18. I'm going to be going for my first time ever, now that I'm back in the Chicagoland area. By the way, if indeed Jeff continues his generous streak and does the auction, and there are any VC groups forming that need an extra member, I'm going to go ahead and raise my hand.
  19. I was referred to this thread. People implied that it was "going places." Thanks for dissapointing, guys.
  20. Lily Allen is a booze hound who would probably vomit all over the Tardis console, given half the chance. But thanks for the info, Analogman!
  21. I didn't know Modest Mouse until I heard Gravity Rides Everything in a car commercial. I proceeded to buy their album and see them live. I guess I've been duped by the new boss!
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