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Everything posted by OOO

  1. The Point was my favorite animated movie for most of my childhood, so i love Mr. Nilsson. It's one of the best soundtracks ever. Soooooo good. I also adore Nilsson Schmilsson. I was always under the impression that he is very highly regarded, though not often lauded and thrown in with the biggest names ever. He's awesome though.
  2. Before this gets into a big Red State/Blue State debate, remember what our 44th president (please!) had to say about this:
  3. I think I've seen them 5 times, and I would not hesitate in seeing them again
  4. 3 boring, mismatched BCS bowl matchups in a row should add fuel to the fire.
  5. Maybe the non-owner roommate can negotiate and pay for his half of the bills with "Moons Over My Hammy"s?
  6. Actually, this was a pretty bad year for USC. But I'll take it.
  7. Sometimes, one must root against one's home state... So, for today, you can suck it Illinois!
  9. Happy Birthday Lammycat!!!!!! Holidays can be rough/stressful, but you know you've got 100's of people on VC who adore you! :worship :worship :worship :worship :worship
  10. I am not a downtown LA fan, but I do like that hotel.
  11. My gift was also sent out yesterday, with an estimated arrival by thursday.
  12. It's a replica (I hope) of the lower spine, i believe. I think my secret santa is trying to call me spineless!!!
  13. Good local Chicago vibes are headed your way from me!
  14. Sorry to dissapoint the rest of you, but I hit the jackpot!!! : :dancing :dancing :dancing :dancing Thanks so much, secret santa!!
  15. I thought the Extras series finale/Christmas special was really great. Here's the Dr. Who scene.
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