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Everything posted by OOO

  1. May 5 2008 8:00P Tower Theatre Philadelphia, Pennsylvania May 6 2008 8:00P Town Hall New York, New York May 7 2008 8:00P Town Hall New York, New York May 9 2008 8:00P Lisner Auditorium Washington DC, Washington DC May 10 2008 8:00P Michigan Theatre Ann Arbor, Michigan May 11 2008 8:00P Riverside Theatre Milwaukee, Wisconsin May 13 2008 8:00P Orpheum Theatre Minneapolis, Minnesota May 14 2008 8:00P Chicago Theatre Chicago, Illinois May 15 2008 8:00P Ellie Caulkins Opera House Denver, Colorado May 26 2008 8:00P Sasquatch Music Festival George, Wa
  2. Thanks for all the birthday wishes, guys. After work, I plan on watching the new Doctor Who episode ( Good call Analogman), and then I'm going to Chipotle for burritos and margaritas. I'm really glad I got to meet so many people on Friday. I basically drank the whole weekend starting with the party on friday. P.S. mountainbed - thanks for that video, it made me choke up. The greatest game I ever watched was the 2005 ND vs. USC game where Reggie Bush pushed Matt Leinart into the endzone with 3 seconds left, right after the ND fans had mistakenly ran onto the field after the time acc
  3. Happy Birthday, Uncle Wilco! You did indeed pick a great day to be born, and I apologize for stealing some of your thunder!
  4. No, but I had a pretty cool shirt on though. This was the design:
  5. I have never gotten so much crap for having shaved! Also, I loved meeting everyone. I had a real blast!
  6. April birthdays are the best. I hope yours is a great one.
  7. I will probably show up. But no one is going to know who I am.
  8. Man, I was so freaked out by my teachers until like....5th or 6th grade. I probably would have believed that teachers could take like.....8 baseball bat swings and a bunch of stab wounds and still keep coming at you. There's no way I would have tried this.
  9. "Blink" is amazing. Probably my favorite of the new series overall. I can wait until this Saturday! And yeah, Torchwood has really stepped it up in terms of quality.
  10. Dr. Who is playing Destro, thats all I really need to know.
  11. I did go to USC and I didn't even have them going that far.
  12. Well, I appreciate you supporting my team at least. We'll be back in the Rose Bowl this year in football, if its an consolation.
  13. My bracket is ruined!! This was a school year of chokes. Chokity choke choke.
  14. Here's one of my favorite essays on Birthdays: Tomorrow I will turn 30 years old. A significant birthday, by any metric. And, unfortunately, I have difficulties with significant birthdays. At each one of these birthdays -- 18, 20, 21, 25 -- I've done a whole lot of moping and no small amount of soul-searching, trying to figure out what I've done, trying to figure out where I'm going. Usually I am amazed at how stupid I was at the previous significant birthday. "Gawd, I was so naive," I think. "I didn't know *shit* at that age." 30 is no different. At 25 I didn't know what I was going to do
  15. Also, it is true that hypocrisy in US foreign policy over the years has pissed a lot of people off.
  16. I really will be kind of devastated if he doesn't win.
  17. Clarke's 3 laws: (The third is the most famous) 1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong. 2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. 3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. RIP
  18. Ms. Yvon, who is in the TV/movie industry VS. urban dictionary, which is a bunch of anoymous teenagers voting things up and down, though.
  19. USC vs. UCLA tonight. Let's go Trojans!
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