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Everything posted by OOO

  1. Probably Evan... if he actually is almighty he would have seen this coming. I didn't see the movie though so i have no idea.
  2. I can't wait for USC vs. Ohio State...
  3. My dad was at that show at the Chicago Auditorium. If I recall correctly, they couldn't do an encore because they didn't know any more songs.
  4. Radiohead does a good cover of Blondie's "Union City Blues"
  5. Good luck, sarah! Make sure you have someone in the audience recording video, so the rest of us can enjoy.
  6. Off Topic, but Mark David Chapman has his parole hearing today.
  7. I think Ticket to Ride has a pretty cool drum part.
  8. They are both really, really good. Beyond that, I don't think they really influence each other or anything like that. I wouldn't call them the American Radiohead, but if you wanted me to pick the best active bands from their respective countries, it would be these two.
  9. Loved pretty much everything this guy did, from South Park to Shaft, but I think my favorite thing he did was Escape from New York. That is one bad ass motherfucker.
  10. When one is roughing it, one only grabs leaves from waist level and above. So I'm told.
  11. I was camping earlier this week, and I found out that a small selection of smooth stones works much better than leaves for pooping. FYI.
  12. It cuts down on drag when he is racing on his bicycle. I have no idea what the answer to your other question is.
  13. Real classy there, Mr. Edwards. Real Classy.
  14. Does John count for Jen?
  15. Theres lots of free software for the mac that will allow you to do this. I've done this a bunch of times over the years for friends, but its been a while. A quick search brought up this application: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/28437 You could download that and try it out.
  16. As a doctor who fan myself, I think I'm going to be able to live with myself without taking a peek.
  17. yes indeed. The finale was a bit too much for me.
  18. No but seriously, all coffee tastes really bad. If you need to stay awake, just cut to the chase and get some speed.
  19. The third Christopher Nolan Batman film, I suppose.
  20. I expect google will make an appeal, but this is stupid. And yes Flick, your ass is grass.
  21. I don't thing its real either, but I don't find out for another 3 weeks, since I'm off to South America on Friday.
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