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Everything posted by OOO

  1. I'm a big A.J. fan but its obviously different when he's on your team.
  2. Come on white sox, you can do it!
  3. I'll keep Lilly and your father in law in my thoughts. Vibes.
  4. I was definitely hoping for more people to have made fun of me at this point...
  5. I need to take deep breaths...and forget about sports. son of a gun. Alright, I'm ok. Please feel free to make fun of 'SC. We deserve it.
  6. friggen USC and playing down to weak Pac 10 opponents....
  7. CBS will probably pull it from Youtube, but its here for now
  8. White Sox, determined to make things interesting...
  9. I've seen colin live a couple times. here he is on scrubs:
  10. Hard Days Night is the greatest rock movie of all time! But if you mean Non-Fiction, id go with DiG!, Fearless Freaks, and I am trying to break your heart.
  11. I think it's because Colin Hay was on a couple episodes of scrubs. Plus, their songs are catchy.
  12. Is he singing "Someday we'll go all the way" to democrats?
  13. George Costanza got a job telling Steinbrenner what an awful job he was doing with the Yankees and how everyone in the city hated what he was doing.
  14. I honestly thought the word that started with R and ended with N was republican. I thought when he said 10-ton elephant that was a pun on the GOP's symbol!
  15. Mine was sent to my spam folder I believe, so check that.
  16. are we allowed to talk about stuff that happened in episodes that have occurred?
  17. All the blocks look the same color to me. Is this a joke?
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