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Everything posted by OOO

  1. I don't have Guitar Hero or Rock Band or anything, but I've played them a few times and they're fun. I don't have any problem at all with this though...it's a creative way to get your music heard. Nothing wrong with a gimmick here or there.
  2. It might never see the light of day: At the very least, there is going to be a delay.
  3. the call at the end of the BYU - Washington game was absolutely terrible. There was no excessive celebration at all, and the refs decided the game on that call.... Also, I think Michigan - ND is going to be a good game. Both teams will be trying to make a statement, and it could end up making or breaking a season.
  4. During the summer, the lawn on ravinia (with some wine and cheese) is a great place to be.
  5. I heard something about a remake of Escape from New York without Kurt Russell. No thanks!
  6. I took this on my phone about an hour before anything started, at 5:30:
  7. I am trying to think of a recent remake (I don't think the batman reboot really counts as a remake...) that I thought was even remotely worth making...and the only thing i can come up with is the Departed. In general, remaking classic films is just setting yourself up to fail.
  8. My childhood memories of Star Wars and Indiana Jones were tarnished in part by terrible modern updates to the series. I still have Ghostbusters and Back to the Future, though, and I'd rather those memories not get F'ed up.
  9. ahem. If you are going to hate on one of our Heisman winners, you might as well make fun of the guy who got away with murder. And I wasn't alive for the 1969 Rose Bowl, so don't bore me with history.
  10. $313,000 is a lot of money, but 95% percent of that figure comes from their estimate of her jewelry. It's not like she will never wear those diamonds again or bought them for this one night out, im sure she's had them for a long time. It's still an obscene amount, not that it really matters though...she's rich, oh well.
  11. I hated that section in poetry. That god damn plum poem.
  12. This is silly news, but Heart sends cease and desist to Republicans for using "Barracuda" "We have asked the Republican campaign publicly not to use our music. We hope our wishes will be honored," the group said in a statement that said they "condemn" the use of the song at the Republican convention.
  13. I actually do have a problem with that, because in the old series episode "Time and the Rani", he clearly states that he's 953 years old. Bad BBC fact checking. tsk tsk tsk.
  14. I was there (for Andrew Bird) on the lawn. The place was packed. Weather turned out perfect, in my opinion. The opening band (don't remember, but Occidental was in the name) was very good and fun to listen to in a background sort of way, but I admit I wasn't paying that much attention at the time; I was more interested in just lying in the grass in the middle of Chicago. I thought Andrew Bird's set was great. He came on at 7:30PM and did 2 songs by himself, one of them was a cover of the Handsome Family. "The Giant of Illinois" was the name I believe. After that, his band from Minneap
  15. You talkin to... You talking to me? Then who the hell else are you talkin' to? Well I'm the only one here. Who the f*** do you think you're talking to
  16. you're the big dude trying to calm down the little dude's discourse.
  17. When the devil came, he was not red...
  18. I bet if a bunch of hot protesters chained themselves naked to stuff near the convention, it would get some press. It's the best of both worlds. Nothing gets destoyed, but people take notice.
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