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Everything posted by OOO

  1. Speaking of spoilers, if you want to see a video of a certain district attorney after a certain injury: http://media.whysoserious.com/half.mov
  2. I think Limbaugh spouted off on McCain just as much as he did on Obama for a while, so he'll have plenty of bad things to say about either one.
  3. You should vote for whoever you feel best represents you, and if that's Barr, go for it. However, in terms of hurting people...If you were going to vote for Obama, but switched to Barr, you're hurting Obama, not McCain.
  4. Ay Ay Ay, me pienso que la agua en otros paises es una problema muy grande!
  5. Well, I am flying to Fort Lauderdale then to Lima, so I think I'll be going over the Gulf of Mexico, but I suppose you are right. A journal is a real good idea, I'll get on that...and although we're going the bottled water route, I might also bring iodine tablets to plop in water.
  6. Yo hablo un poco espanol, pero solamente de escuela. Pero un amigo en mi trabajo es de Columbia, y el y yo practicamos en mi oficina. Or something. I'm not bringing anything to plug in. (that goes for the condom comment as well!)
  7. I'm going to be going out of the country for the first time on Friday (Sorry Canada, you don't count), and I was wondering if people had any general advice and tips for international travel. I'm going to be packing fairly light, as I will be hiking for a good part of the trip, but if there are any must haves, please let me know. To be more specific, I'm going to be in Peru, and hiking up the Inca Trail up in the Andes for 4 days. The trips going to last about 16 days, and I'll be staying mostly in hostels. Thanks in advance.
  8. Go see this one. It's very good. I think it's thematically very adult in many ways, but all the kids in the theater I was in enjoyed the heck out of it. So did I. P.S. I didn't think the film really went for an environmental message at all. It was more anti-Wal-mart than anything, in terms of the satire.
  9. You can see the Marina City Towers (From Yankee Hotel Foxtrot) at the beginning of this Dark Knight trailer Not surprising, but still...
  10. That looks amazing. I've been happy with the most recent episodes...I think Davies has really stepped up his writing, especially on "Midnight". I unfortunately know the spoilers for next week. I'm not saying anything, but I'm excited.
  11. My dad and his cousin were lifelong Cubs fans, and so when my Dad's cousin passed on my dad (as requested) took his ashes and scattered them on the infield of Wrigley, during a guided tour in the offseason. (This practice is not allowed and I think my dad said he had to keep most of the ashes in his pants pocket or jacket or something and do it discretely). Apparently though they redid the infield or something right after this, so I doubt there's much of him left on there. Sports fans are weird.
  12. NASA finds water ice on mars. Watch as it sublimates:
  13. Happy Birthday to a gentleman and a scholar.
  14. LouieB, even as a Chicago native I found this a fun read The only thing I'll add is that I think if you like going up tall buildings, you should do the John Hancock Building instead of the Sears Tower, and just go up to the "Signature Room", which is free to go to. Its generally pretty crowded, but you can find seats with great views, and order a cocktail or appetizer. (or you can just go up to the top and look around while avoiding the staff) It's just a floor below the Hancock Observatory (which does cost money), so the views are still stunning. The Sears tower Observatory is also not
  15. I would like to third this comment. The best campout I ever had was in Joshua Tree. (I also also agree with alison about the Griffith Observatory and Pinks)
  16. Wesley Clark might also be a good counter to McCain's strengths.
  17. Lesson 1: Have a plan for the whole race in case you don't win as soon as you think you will. Lesson 2: Know your party's delegate rules. Caucuses are important.
  18. Chicago is one of four finalists
  19. CNN just noted that Senator Obama will give his acceptance speech on August 28, 2008... 45 years, to the day, after Martin Luther King gave his "I have a dream" speech in Washington DC.
  20. Congrats rempish - I hope you have an awesome honeymoon and an even awesomer "happily ever after".
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