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Everything posted by OOO

  1. Yes, another great Steven Moffat episode, and I like that he has a two parter again this time. I think I have a good guess about the lady who knows a lot about the doctor. Other than that though, I'm very confused about whats going on.
  2. Orange you glad I didn't say Banana? Good luck on all your endeavors, Sir. Stewart!
  4. Yeah, despite how much i hated their last album....they earned back some respect with that video. I think there were only 2 references i didn't get.
  5. OOO


    I don't know if I'd use the word murder. I think something like "they feel guilt associated with the death of someone" or something.
  6. It's also quite true. Cheney has become acting president twice because of the colonoscopy clause: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acting_Presid..._25th_Amendment If you total up Cheney's hours in office, you get 4 hours and 20 minutes. 4:20!!! :bonghit
  7. Speaking of medical records, consider this idea: According to section 3 of the 25th Amendment, any president who undergoes a colonoscopy may temporary transfer power to his vice president while he undergoes the surgery. Furthermore, Barack will enter office at age 47, and he will have his 50th birthday in office - the age at which one is recommended to start receiving colonoscopies. Therefore, whoever is Barack's vice president, assuming he wins, will be president for at least a day. Hillary's clearest path to the presidency (and being the first female president) is now through Barack's c
  8. I've been avoided spoiler/fan sites this season, just because ive had surprises ruined for me in seasons past.....so i don't know any rumors at all.
  9. Yeah, it was extremely fun nonsense. I was pleased P.S. No new episode this week.
  10. Yeah i bike ride to Ravinia all the time. Its a nice venue to get cheap lawn seats to bands I only vaguely wish to hear while drinking cheap wine.
  11. Theres been some good episodes since we last talked, and some interesting additions to the canon...but anyhow, here's some big, fantastic, amazing, stupendous news: Steven Moffat to be Doctor Who Lead Writer and Executive Producer Steven has been (in my opinion) consistently the best writer on the new series, and I'm absolutely thrilled that he is taking the reigns over from Russell T. Davies. We have more episodes like (Hugo Award winning) The Empty Child/Doctor Dances, (Hugo Award winning) The girl in the fireplace, and Blink to look forward to... Hooray P.S. I got to meet him last
  12. I think the Hollywood Bowl is pretty sweet at dusk.
  13. I'm adding your blog into my bookmarks. Not only do I love nerdiness, and ESPECIALLY daleks, but I also have a dire need for old science fiction clips. Bravo! P.S. My siblings chipped in and got my this for my birthday.
  14. Paul McCartney and Paul Simon are up there for me. And as far as people not named Paul go, David Byrne.
  15. you posted that here, didn't you?
  16. Are vegans allowed to swallow? Serious answers only, thank you.
  17. They should send Lance Berkman back to the minors until he learns how to hit.
  18. PopTodd - you add flavor to the community, keep on doing what you're doing - and don't let anyone tell you different. (and as far as i know, the only TV thing you ever posted was the restaurant thing)
  19. I know a family who adopted two kids and they both turned out good.
  20. I'm no good, but I might not count as young anymore.
  21. You are certainly entitled to your opinion on this, but there are plenty of games out there that don't lay it all out there for you. One should never judge a whole medium based on the most popular items from it. It would be like judging music based solely on Hannah Montana or something. I respect your decision to not be interested in videogames, but there are plenty of games out there that make you really think, and dont just hand you the story and make you point and kill things. (full disclosure: I minored in videogame programming in college)
  22. You ain't going to make it with anyone, anyhow.
  23. Yeah, I think you are right. I had fun at the Dr. Who convention i went to. No, you're right, but I also don't like the liberties they took with the history of the doctor, etc, so I sort of have a negative impression of him. I used to say Colin Baker, but I got to meet him in person and he's awesome. Its funny that I'm posting in this thread, since I'm proctoring (right now!) someone who is taking the reading portion of a practice ACT. I suppose this speaks to my lack of work ethic
  24. The highschool kids I work with are pretty amazing, and much more motivated than I ever was, but then again, thats not saying much... More importantly, who's the dumbest REgeneration? (The answer is Paul McGann)
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