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Everything posted by OOO

  1. The guy who does the voice for all the movie trailers died. Recent Geico spot, in case you don't know who I'm talking about:
  2. I was rooting for UCLA in that one, against my better judgement. That's a nice win.
  3. Hey, the conspiracy theory was half right....thats better than nothing, as far as outlandish theories go.
  4. There are now rumors on the internets that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy because she didn't want people to know her young daughter was actually the one who was pregnant. It would be nice if people focused on the issues, instead of trying to make stuff up.
  5. They are evacuating New Orleans. The Government (at all levels) better get their shit together this time.
  6. Alright, looks like SC and Ohio State do indeed both have strong teams. I hope Mr. Beanie is healthy in a couple weeks so the battle will be epic.
  7. There really should be a "Both" option...but I went with genius.
  8. Not that you needed more reasons to like Barack but...
  9. I voted! Good luck. I love trees.
  10. I'm pretty sure it was a lucky coincidence, set before Obama was picked.
  11. Alright time for the big speech. 45 years to the day after "I have a dream". I'm interested to see what he's got.
  12. The Mini cooper isn't even a fraction as advanced as Time Lord technology, and frankly I'm insulted at your suggestion.
  13. You must feel pretty terrible now about that anti-Hillary video you made now. Tsk tsk tsk.
  15. I love you just a little bit more. We should play together when it comes out. I was a Diablo II fiend.
  16. thirded and the cool version of Ruby Tuesday
  17. I always thought it would be an awesome feeling for a person to know that he/she is the coolest person in the world born on a particular date. But since you were born on the same day as Sean Connery, you'll never have that problem. Happy Birthday, Jeff!
  18. And when you smile for the camera - i know i love you better. I like Steely Dan a lot.
  19. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/ CNN confirms its NOT Bayh
  20. He came to my campus once to do standup and in a crowd of hundreds i think me and my buddy were the only ones who "got it", which made it even more funny. It was the most hilarious standup I've ever seen, and everyone around us was bored. I've always loved Norm.
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