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Everything posted by OOO

  1. Yes. sonic screwdriver overuse = poor writing. But people have been saying this for 30 years, so I doubt they'll stop now.
  2. I'm totally making my roommates watch this on LSD.
  3. Yeah, my apologies. I am just unable to wait until Sci-fi airs them, as I am an impatient sort.
  4. I don't imagine there are enough American hardcore Dr. Who fans on viachicago for it to matter. Especially since if you are really hardcore, you already downloaded them. So don't sweat it.
  5. because it hasn't aired in the US yet, and in theory its supposed to be a surprise that he's back.
  6. In my opinion you ended up watching some of the more cheesy episodes from this season. Russell T. Davies episodes are always a bit nonsense, and the season finale was no exception. The way they brought you-know-who back was quite brilliant, but like you said the dobby-doctor and then glowing was a bit much. They showed the daleks insides a few times in the old series (Davros doesn't count as he isn't a Dalek). Essentially they are just little blobs in metal armor: The daleks actually have tried a bunch of times to mix themselves with humans to try and evolve, so its not really so
  7. I would love it if stevan moffat was writing more episodes or even given control of the general arc of the 4th series. I was lucky enough to meet him at a Dr. Who convention in Los Angeles and he is a really, really cool guy and definitely my favorite writer on the show. Although he does like to mention he won the Hugo Award alot.... But i think Russell is on the show until 2009 and then he'll step away. Thats my understanding at least.
  8. That's pretty cool. She did a fine job as companion, though I preferred Rose probably. I would be very surprised if she doesn't show up in Dr. Who next season though, as well as these Torchwood episodes.
  9. i concur. And the christmas episode could be a really disaster, in my opinion. I have a feeling its going to sink the show. We'll see if it can even stay afloat after this.
  10. no one has EVER been killed by someone else with a flipping car key.
  11. You will get in trouble from many people here if you post full shows in compressed formats (such as mp3), but wilco and viachicago welcome the trading of lossless shows. Trading in lossy formats is considered bad form and rude to tapers.
  12. are you making waves in the bathroom?
  13. The iPhone is out now. You have to throw away all iPods. duh.
  14. Yes, vibes to our UK friends. On top of all this terrorist crap, the season finale of Dr. Who was today and they won't have another episode for 6 months.
  15. when has bruce campbell not been a cult icon?
  16. better yet: http://www.vw.com/ they are all there, just takes a while to load.
  17. there is a gear section which would probably be a better place to ask.
  18. There really isn't anything like Bruce Campbell playing Liam Neeson.
  19. Its worth waiting for :-D
  20. Stargate SG-1 was recently falsely awarded the Guinness World Record of "Longest Running Sci-fi TV Show". That is outrageous and I won't ever watch the show because of such a dishonorable claim.
  21. Didn't denzel washington play stephen biko like 15 years ago?!
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