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Everything posted by OOO

  1. i heard about this on monday and decided i might try and camp out tuesday night but then i heard there were already hundreds of people in line and i was like "whoops, i missed the boat on that one" Sounds awesome, glad you had a great time!
  2. I'm sure someone would be happy to PM you a link to the song in private. The mods just don't like willy nilly sharing of wilco songs in the open, since, like you said, they are very nice to us.
  3. Some people made some stabs at it here: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...1&hl=cutoff
  4. The definition of "foreign" is not really a subject of much debate. It means "of, pertaining to, or derived from another country or nation; not native." So in the context of this thread, your feelings are irrelevant.
  5. The band's success back in the day had a lot to do with "jiggling". I wonder if they can recreate the allure
  6. If you carefully reread my post, you'll note that I only asked you to check out the track listing. I didn't say I owned that album or that it disproved anything. I just thought you might like that album.
  7. http://www.pizzicato.es/soulgestapo/disco.html check out the track listing on the first album.
  8. I wouldn't buy any record without "That's not the issue" on it. Or "too far apart"
  9. It sounds like its from a show they did in the summer of 2000
  10. Its easier to get away with things when there isn't instant media, widespread photography, etc.
  11. He definitely had some work done, imho. Also, he's playing for about 500 people today at Amoeba records. I wasn't going to wait 2 days outside for him, and I didn't win the contest for tickets so... poo.
  12. OOO


    I'd like to go on record to say this much: While certainly mean-spirited and definitely a joke, it was by no means elaborate.
  13. yes, there can only be two types of artists.
  14. And which part of the song says "this was actually filmed in Woodstock, IL (not Puxatony, PA), as every resident of Woodstock IL is happy to tell you" ?
  15. OOO


    VW's fiscal quarter ends on the 29th of June. So in the days leading up to the fiscal earning report (on the 29th) and stock holder's meeting, most of these guys don't have time to sleep, let alone go to rock shows. So as a little treat to themselves and some of the people in the ad company (as thanks for the new campaign), they are chartering one of those small jets and flying to the Massey show on the 30th. Sorry for the confusion
  16. The only car advertising that ever worked on me was James Bond driving an Aston Martin DB5 in Goldfinger. Thats the only car I'll ever lust after.
  17. OOO


    I don't want anyone yelling at me, but this is true information. I got this from a reliable source. Anyhow, it turns out VW's corporate marketing headquarters for the US is in Somerville, Massachusetts. So some of the upper VW guys and their ad agency (my friend works for the agency, not VW) are getting front row seats. I imagine this has something to do with it. I wasn't told directly that these seats were taken away to give to them, but it seems likely as my friend said their seats were going to be front row center.
  18. I don't think this got the attention it so rightly deserves
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