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Everything posted by OOO

  1. You have to figure that while they are on their tour break for the moment, they are hanging out in Chicago. Their next show is in Duluth, MN. Therefore, I'm going to say Wilco's next direction is roughly north by northwest. Which happens to be my favorite movie.
  2. http://www.sysadminday.com/ Thanks for everything you do!
  3. OOO

    Wilco HQ Update

    P.S. I like the address ineedacamera@wilcoworld.net
  4. Yes. They hired their best poster designer for this show and they will be gone in an instant.
  5. Aren't you the guy who sold the Velvet underground lost tapes for a couple hundred thousand dollars?
  6. I'm thinking they would put it outside of the venue in one of the many courtyards, I don't really see a place inside where one would go
  7. Well this is only the second ticketed public rock concert at the pritzker pavilion (i believe), so there isn't much to compare it to, but I would be flabbergasted if it didn't sell out very quickly.
  8. i did the XRT presale and got 3 tickets in section 105
  9. In another thread someone said it was "bluesky", which is probably an reference to the 1994 Tommy Lee Jones movie.
  10. J.K. Rowling spills the beans on what else happened 19 years later that didn't make the cut A few of the more concrete tidbits: "As for his occupation, Harry, along with Ron, is working at the Auror Department at the Ministry of Magic. After all these years, Harry is now the department head" "Meanwhile, Hermione, Ron’s wife, is “pretty high up” in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, despite laughing at the idea of becoming a lawyer in “Deathly Hallows.”" I would have thought that there was better money in sports for one of the most gifted seekers Hogwarts has ever seen, but...oh
  11. I don't think you are factoring in recovery time from their faces being melted off.
  12. I have Sam Crawford's tibia, which was "autographed" by Mr. Cobb on several occasions.
  13. I try to do carry on's only as much as I can because there's no chance that the bags end up at a different city, and also because i don't like waiting forever after the flight (when my ride has already arrived) at the carousels for my luggage, which naturally always comes out last.
  14. Threepio!!! Shut down all the Trash Compacters on Detention Level!!!!! ... ... ooooh Threepio!! Where could he be?
  15. http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/theory It's the 3rd definition. You may be thinking of one of the others? "the general ...principles of a body of ... art "
  16. I can safely tell you from my 5 years of lifeguarding, we love to shut the pool down because of poop. There was even one summer where one employee was tired of working that day and tried to recreate caddyshack and threw in a baby ruth and then tried to claim it was poop. He was let go that day.
  17. I was flirting with the idea of going anyhow, but if they are really going to be there, I'd definitely make an appearance.
  18. So since we are allowed to type spoilers in this thread, in book 8... 1.) Draco's kid picks up the resurrection stone and brings Voldemort back 2.) Harry's balls, not Harry himself, were the horcrux, and now his kids are all possessed by Voldemort because of where they came from. 3.) Dumbledore created a bunch of horcruxes to ensure he could be brought back to stop Voldemort, including the 3 deathly hallows (which he had access to), the light-putter-outer, the childrens book of Fairy Tales that Hermoine got, the Sword of Gryffindor, and Faux. Sorry for ruining it.
  19. you'll get no sympathy from me unless you convert that to Fahrenheit! P.S. just kidding.
  20. I guess it doesn't matter who is actually holding the wand at all, just who is the master. So Grundlewald (or however its spelled) has the wand. Dumbledore beats him in a duel, so Dumbledore is the new master. Draco beats/disarms dumbledore before he is killed, and immediately becomes the new master. (Thus Snape and Voldemort are never masters) Harry disarms Draco, and then he becomes master. It doesn't matter if the master is holding the wand, it just matters if he gets beat.
  21. yeah i wasn't a huge fan of that but i guess the rule is that you lose ownership if you get disarmed at all, regardless of what want you are holding. Which seems silly. I guess the Elder Wand wants someone really bad ass, and anyone who gets disarmed at all is a pussy.
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