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Everything posted by TCP

  1. No. No. No. No. Your country has many legendary bands... leave The Band alone. Besides one member, they were a Canadian band playing North American music.
  2. TCP


    Anyone else think An Arrow in the Gale is one of the coolest songs Molina has ever penned? Love that guitar bit...
  3. Agreed. Ironically I could never get into Bright Eyes when I was a teenager. I loved folky emotional music like Elliott Smith and what-not and everyone told me I'd love Bright Eyes. I listened to "I'm Wide Awake It's Morning" many times but it never clicked for me till I was 20. It's a really good record and his best work so far. Emmy Lou Harris sings back up on it, it's lovely. Cassadaga was a good record, it had some really nice tunes like Four Winds, If The Brakeman Turns My Way, Hot Knives, Soul Singer In A Session Band, and I Must Belong Somewhere... but it also had some snoozers like Ma
  4. TCP


    I never got the EP download from my preorder Really good album even on first few listens. O! Grace is my favorite Molina opening track since The Black Crow. Every time I hear that chorus it kills me. Too good. I love the full band version of Shiloh. I saw them play it as a full-band song in concert before I got my boxset and heard the acoustic version, and for some reason the acoustic version just never felt right to me. What I really like is how Molina and the boys didn't feel obligated to "rock out" on this record, I wonder how much of that is in response to the Crazy Horse comparisons? T
  5. TCP


    Just preordered this. Was suspiciously cheaper than the Wilco preorder.. hmm. Regardless!!
  6. I know, nothing much will likely come of it but you can dream, can't you? I guarantee you if it was a team the NHL didn't favour, like Calgary, a few draft picks would go Vancouver's way... But since it's Toronto this will be dropped and forgotten about soon. But imagine a 2010 first round Toronto draft pick going to Vancouver??? That's a top-10 draft pick.
  7. I know the Yashin contract wasn't front loaded and it was before the cap era but it's a good example of the dangers of any long term contract. Long term conracts might work out, yes, but maybe it won't. That's all my point was, it's very dangerous. You're mortgaging your future for a chance to win now... I just think there's better ways to go at it. Two things I'd like to note: 1) Toronto tampered with the Sedins via Ron Wilson on a radio show. They're being investigated now. I'm curious about what will happen. This is a clear case of tampering. No member of your management/coaching can dis
  8. Walken, I know I am. The NHL has done a good job of making the off season fairly interesting. I only have a faint interest in the CFL and it looks like the Lions are in for a tough season which kills any interest I have. So that leaves just hockey for me. Only a few more weeks till training camps start. Well... like eight weeks... The front-loaded, long term contracts are irresponsible. They're a quick fix and very dangerous. Look at what happened to NYI and Alexei Yashin... 10 year contract, which they had to buy off and will be paying off for a long time. Very few players are great for an
  9. Speaking of I'll Fight, the melody kind of reminds me of another Wilco song but I can't put my finger on it... any ideas??
  10. Just got my copy in the mail! On first impression I like it a lot, a lot, a lot!!!! I don't know if I'll ever feel the way about it as I do about the Being There - A Ghost Is Born era but it's a really solid album and doesn't have the boring middle of the album sequence that a certain other Wilco album had. And that duet with Feist is absolutely beautiful!
  11. The 12 year contracts are never meant to be played out in full, especially with those Euros signing. It's just an irresponsible way to get by the cap for a time. Gaborik to NYR for five years.
  12. Very interesting day. God, I love Canada Day. Montreal looks pretty good, as much as I don't like to admit it. Now, got the Sedins locked up, I would like 1 Slovak sniper, please!!!! I'm really happy for Ohlund, he obviously had no future in Vancouver (Edler = Ohlund but younger), good to see him get paid well. I am, a little, intrigued that he got signed to a 7 year deal 15 minutes after free agency opening.....
  13. Skater as in a player who's not a goalie, not his skating ability, though he is very fast apparently. He was predicted to go in the top-15. Lead the US in scoring in the WJC last winter. Was also one of the physically strongest players in the draft. He was a steal, don't see any reason why he won't be in the NHL in a year or two. Plus it's not like the Canucks have never had a player around that height be successful *coughcoughStanSmylat5foot9,firstCanucktoeverhavehisnumberretired,captainedtotheStanleyCupFinalscoughcough* Ehh, I'd be nervous if I was a Flyer fan. I wouldn't want to bet it all
  14. Probably because he looks like a giant prick in that movie......... maybe. But it's the most video evidence we have of the Beatles in the studio. If only they had a camera crew for Revolver.
  15. The way I always understood it was that MJ just got some of the $$$ from when Beatle Northern Songs songs were covered/played on radio/etc. He had no control over how the songs were used. However, I'm all for a re-release of the Let It Be movie. Do it up, Sir Paul!
  16. Good draft, I am ecstatic about the Canucks pick, Jordan Schroeder was ranked as one of the top-5 NA skaters Bad draft if you are a Flyers fan, holy crap...
  17. I got an e-mail from Kung Fu Nation saying that is has been shipped on June 22nd but maybe they shipped it out earlier to me cause I'm all the way up in Canada??
  18. TCP


    You guys are getting me so excited for this record!!! Agreed about the music coming out this summer, I haven't had records come out by bands I really like in ages but now they're all coming out at once
  19. I like that song, Nels' slide guitar sounded a lot like George Harrison. Can't wait for the new album now
  20. Searched but saw no mention of this... figured some of you were into Molina's work. Josephine will by released by Secretly Canadian on July 21st, 2009. O! Grace Rock of Ages Josephine Shenandoah Whip-poor-will There Will Always be a West (Song for Willie) Hope Dies Last The Handing Down Map of the Falling Sky Little Sad Eyes Ten Paces Knoxville Girl Shiloh An Arrow In the Gale You can hear "Whip-poor-will" here. You can download the title track, "Josephine" here. There will also be a film released, a documentary "making of". I don't know if it's being packaged with the album or not. You
  21. TCP


    U S A! U S A!!!!!!
  22. I agree with a lot of this. Uncle Tupelo = Buffalo Springfield AM = Neil Young Being There = Everybody Knows this is Nowhere Summerteeth = After the Gold Rush (Candyfloss = Cripple Creek Fairy? That last, incredibly enjoyable song??) YHF = Harvest Golden Smog = CSNY But that's where the parallel ends, I thinks!
  23. I've never seen that before, thanks for posting!
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