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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I reckon Locke and Jack meet up post-island in the finale and Locke is the character that bites the dust. At least I hope it's Locke and not Desmond. They already killed Charlie, Claire looks hopeless, and if Desmond is gone ... Maybe Hurley helped Sun... I kind of got the feeling that there was something funny going on during that flashforward. Who called that they get off day 108??? ME!
  2. Jason Molina - sometimes I find the songs on your terrific solo albums sound all a little a like. Will Oldham - why do you have to ruin a good song by singing about fucking a mountain? Wilco - plays in the states (specifically Chicago) way too much.
  3. No thoughts posted about tonights episode? You guys are slacking!! I think I saw it on that same screen shot site Analogman always posts.
  4. The same person who posted the spoilers for last season did it again this year. I read a bit and then I had to force myself to stop.
  5. Take the best parts of The Information and put them with the best parts of Guero and you'd have a great record. Anyways, I'm VERY excited about this record.
  6. No one has said anything in awhile! Here's for Detroit beating Dallas tomorrow.
  7. Moderation, yes, UNLESS it's The Legend of Zelda. I play guitar, bass, banjo, steel guitar, keyboards, and more and would never say playing any of those are "entertainment". Listening to someone play, yes, but not playing yourself.
  8. Okay, I have to say that I find this topic to be kind of offensive. I can not believe that some of these comments are acceptable on Via Chicago (Specifically things like calling young people "little fuckers" or saying they all have a "sense of entitlement"), if they were about race, this topic would be locked right away but since it's age, it's alright. That said, here goes my rant. I am 21 next month. I have spent the past two years going to school, no summer breaks. I had class and/or labs 6 or 7 days a week. There was many, many, days that I left for school at 6:45 am and got home at 11:30
  9. Yes BUT!!! Imagine if this spider got radio active and then BIT someone.
  10. It's about time Neil Young gets a spider named after him!
  11. I just read this. I have never heard anything about Jeff being on this record... does anyone know if it's true or not?
  12. I seem to recall back in the day, when they had problems with the Maladroit demos and their label, that Karl said their contract was for 5 albums. But don't quote me on that.
  13. Fuck, I sense two short series. Which means there will be a long break in between the third and fourth rounds due to NBC needing game 3 of the finals to be on a particular day in late March ...cause you know, they can't not show Deal or No Deal for one night. However a Pens/Wings battle will be worth the wait.
  14. There was some speculation elsewhere last night that Locke's mom and Ben's mom were the same person cause they're both named "Emily". SPOILER! A prominent character is apparently going to die in the finale. It has been said that Jin, Sawyer, and Ben are alive on the island. Desmond, rumor has it, almost escapes with the Oceanic 6. I'm starting to think he's going to bite the bullet
  15. I think that particular scene had more to do with destiny (the fickle bitch) then time travelin'.
  16. I knew Christian Shepard would be in the cabin!!! I wonder why Claire looked so happy? I liked Locke's flash backs. I think that maybe Richard Alpert does age but we always see him that age due to the island having some time traveling properties. How do they move the island?! That must be why Widmore can't find the island, cause it's been moved. Oh man! I can't wait for next week. SO! When Desmond and Sayid went to the freighter they got their and it was a few days ahead of time. When Daniel got the rocket fired from the freighter to the island it was 30 minutes late. The doctor washed on shor
  17. Ummm I can't recall the last time I saw a VHS tape in a store...
  18. I know, eh? My endorsement is like the kiss of death for a team. I'm thinking maybe I should endorse Hillary Clinton. The Red Wings will be my 5th choice! I would love love love a Pens vs Wings final. Would hate a Stars vs Flyers final. Canada vs America IIHF starts in a few minutes. Oh man... I'm excited! Your guys favorite Bruins goaltender, Tim Thomas, is in goal for team USA. EDIT: Canada won, in their vintage sweaters, 5-4. Dustin Brown was named best player for USA and Cam Ward was best player for Canada. Tim Thomas got injured (I don't know how) and left after the 2nd.
  19. I've been waiting for this album since just after Yoko came out and Miles was talking about it.
  20. Unless!!!! Charles Widmore is dead and that's why Ben can't kill him!
  21. That's awesome that Brendan Morrow got that goal, especially after that one goal from the previous game got called a "kick". If it wasn't for that power play we'd probably still be watching that game! Wings in 6 Pens in 5
  22. Hurley thinks the Oceanic 6 are dead and they never got off the island, I don't think we've gotten to the part that would make Hurley think they died... if there was one. Claire, on the other hand, could be a ghost.
  23. Ron McLean > Don Cherry. Dallas and San Jose are in a 2nd over time... if SJ win they will have come back from being down 3-0 and tied the series!!
  24. Yeah but now we have Philly in the 3rd round. Boo-urns.
  25. I voted yes, for a few reasons. The first, I just finished college, I have a job but the hours aren't great yet, I don't have $20 to pay for CDs which I don't listen to that often now that I have my MacBook. Second, I don't want want to but CDs anymore now that I have a record player, but finding new vinyl around here is hard.
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