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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Wow! What a way for the Canadiens to start their playoff run. 2-0 within the first few minutes.
  2. Edmonton was an 8th in 06 and did it. Nope, not forgetting no one. Just kidding. The Wild too. I think we can safely say that the only team that won't make the finals in the west is the Hamilton I mean Seattle oops I meant Winnipeg wait-- I actually meant to say Nashville Predators. What a great first day of the play offs for teams I like... 9 minutes left in the 3rd and Calgary leads San Jose 3-1. The evil Avs have beat the even more evil Wild. And Malkin + Crosby + Hossa + those other guys beat Ottawa (no surprise).
  3. Wings are too beat up and I don't believe in their goal tending. In the west I think Colorado, San Jose, Anaheim or even Calgary* could come out... the Red Wings... I dunno. *There seems to be two Calgary's, the totally awesome Calgary and the not-so awesome Calgary, if they can stay their awesome selves then I think they'll be a powerful force.
  4. I've always said "people don't have enough faces". I want that girl in my band. She could harmonize with herself!!!!
  5. I don't have a clue what a "gallon" is but I can tell you that gas here is $1.25 a LITRE!!!! Which is similar to last summers prices! And it's only March April. I just got a job but it appears all my income will go towards keeping my gas guzzling pick up truck running.
  6. I like the D but the ain't got no thang on FotC.
  7. What! I think they're hilarious. "If You're Into It" gets me every time.
  8. I never thought Oasis would play Vancouver again. Last time they did, in the 90s, someone apparently threw a shoe at one of the brothers and they haven't been back since.
  9. If I use a word in the search function that is 3 letters or less it gives me an error. This makings searching for tabs for a song like "Gun" somewhat hard. Is this how it's suppose to be?
  10. Jeff John Glenn Mike Pat ANDREW BIRD Or Jeff Tweedy - Guitar/Vocals Woody Guthrie - Guitar/Vocals An acoustic duo!
  11. Man that's exactly my reason for wanting the Avs to lose. Too soon man, too soon Nah, I earned that, didn't I? But as you can see my avatar has clearly changed to a different "C". The great thing about where I live, is Edmonton, Calgary, and Vancouver are all pretty much the same distance away.
  12. Here's a statistic for you: Montreal and Boston have met in the playoffs 30 times! Boston has beat them 7 times. I'd love to see an 8th seed go all the way to the finals (except for Nashville, Nashville is epitomizes everything that is wrong with the NHL these days) like Edmonton did a few years back but I don't see that happening anymore. Montreal is just too strong. You know what I'd really love to see though? Penguins vs Capitals... man oh man.
  13. Alright so! Regular season is over. Who is everyone's pick for the finals? I'm going to say Ducks in the west, Canadiens in the east.
  14. The first thing I watched was that Radiohead performance. I liked it a lot. I'm now watching the Pixies documentary. I forgot how much this band meant to me when I was younger. This movie's pretty good, I feel bad for Dave though
  15. My family and I were going out for dinner in Delta, to a sports bar and BAM there he was signing autographs. The place is now a Cactus Club, I went back last summer and couldn't figure out why it looked so familiar. Here's a much better write up then what I did!
  16. You're lucky! If I could meet any "famous" person it'd be him OR Jeff Tweedy. However, when I was 6 I met Gordie Howe and one of his sons (Marty I think) and got their autographs.
  17. I don't know how many, if any, of you will care about this but I feel that is it my duty, as the guy with the Canucks logo, to post about this. Now Trevor Linden played what is likely his last NHL hockey game tonight. I'll fill you in if you don't follow hockey. He was drafted by the Canucks in 1988 and started playing in the NHL at the age of 18. He's a natural leader and became the youngest ever captain of an NHL team at 21. He lead the Canucks to game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals in 1994 (the closest the Canucks have ever been to the cup). To say he's done a lot for the community would be an
  18. I would say a clever pun about waffles right about now, if I could think of one.
  19. Well, I think it's pretty lame that all the strings and noise were all grouped together in one stem, as were the guitars (though they were panned hard left and right so you can get two out, though, I believe there's a third guitar at some points). Most annoying, is the drums are just a stereo bounce. How much mixing can one do with that? Not a lot. I wish they'd have given us just the tracks. Also the fact they kept the reverb on the vocals is annoying. Maybe I'm just a grump!
  20. True enough my Australian friend, true enough. You can use my rules for the minor key, just think of the parallel major. So if you're in Am, use the rules for C major and SHIZAM.
  21. Nice, I'll have to watch that Pixies documentary.
  22. Majorly speaking I III VI like to chill out together II IV are a bit more up tight but can go where they please V VII wowowowowow go back home man go back to the tonic! the tonic!!!! That's ALL you need to know!!!! What? You want to play in the minor key? Get a tissue!!!
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