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Everything posted by HighFives

  1. Eh she can bug sometimes but she has some alright moments. Washing Machine is a good one. I'd get that. Try A Thousand Leaves too that one is the best.
  2. A Thousand Leaves is my favourite. People seem to really like Murray Street but I think its their most overrated. Expirimental Jet Set is excellent. Same with Sister and Evol. Get Daydream too. Those to me are the best ones.
  3. I wonder how many RIAA employees download stuff.
  4. you must like your shirt tight fitting. I'm 5'10 as well but 145 and I wear a medium.
  5. I like his movies but I don't like how they end. like the last 25 minutes of his movies kinda suck.
  6. where we're going we don't need roads!
  7. Made a mix tape of a bunch of songs that will oldham guests on other peoples albums. Thought I'd share on my blog. Couple of them are just on soundtracks but with him and another person. Any way here it is. http://worldsbestdad.blogspot.com/2007/07/...ly-mixtape.html
  8. I've given out like 8 and 4 of them are at like 0.70ish. the others are barely above 1.5ish. But I did get a pm from some one on oink asking for an invite for their friend so I gave it to him and he has like a 10.00 ratio with like 10 gbs downloaded.oh yeah and I have 6 more invites if you promise to be good I'll hook a bro er sis up.
  9. okay I must have missed something but where does "Highly Messed-Up Freak" come from?
  10. I'll download an album tonight listen to it and get back to you guys on saturday with my thoughts.
  11. I haven't heard much of Don Cab w/o Ian Williams. Damon Che is a better drummer than whoever is in Battles. Che more fluid and more fun to listen to. But then again I can't make too good a judgment since I've only heard that one song.
  12. I heard the single it was cool til the vocals came in then it crested. I like Don Cab more.
  13. It's great. I'm one of the ones who say the s/t is better tho.
  14. I just saw them open for yo la tengo on Thursday. It was okay. They knew what they were doing but I wasn't down with their style of music so I went and got some pizza and a snow cone.
  15. http://www.protest-records.com/mp3/index.html
  16. what will I do next for your ears to taste?
  17. I heard it before I thought it was stupid. But I don't like radiohead at all so that might have been part of the problem.
  18. that disk is really cool. Also Pillow Wand w/ Thurston and Nels kicks ass. Trees Outside the Academy is really solid too. I was hoping for some heavier tracks but I wasn't disapointed. I was surprised with all the acoustic guitar on the album. Its better than Psychic Hearts I think. On par with rather ripped which is really good. oh and the last track, thurston@13 is the most hilarious thing I've heard in a while.
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