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Everything posted by HighFives

  1. I forgot about. thanks for bringint it back to my attention
  2. I'm the same way w/ vinyl. It's all I listen to. the only stuff on my ipod is stuff that's not available on lp format. I don't have too much tho maybe 300 rekkids. only been collecting a year tho.
  3. I can prolly do it tonight or tomorrow.
  4. never heard these guys before. that song was pretty cheesey sounding. not too bad tho.
  5. whole show is up on Dime if any you peeps are registered there.
  6. he played with them on california stars on one of the shows too
  7. http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/news...aydream-nationi apparently there will be a SY comp coming out where different artists pick their favourite SY song and why. Tweedy's picking one.
  8. Thurston Moore - The Trees Oustide the Academy Damn there is a new fridge album out today? I didn't even know they were recording. Ima pick it up.
  9. another good reason to hate andy warhol.
  11. I can't stand it its so muddy and monotone. The demos w/ Lou singing it were a lot better. John Cale would have been the prime choice for vocals on it imo.
  12. I always wished that VU album didn't have nico. All tomorrow's parties is so much better w/ Lou Reed signing it.
  13. The Diamond Sea by Sonic Youth would own everything.
  14. Angels of Light - We Are Him. its not out yet but it leaked and it is berry good.
  15. Yeah I have that show with Harem Scarem. It's really good. I think the hype machine just has the 8 tracks that were on BBC or something. I got the full preformance on dime.
  16. I don't care about the beatles. I only liked revolver and a few other random tracks.
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