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Everything posted by mjpuczko

  1. a cover of she's only 17, the winger song.
  2. this isn't strictly albums i had in the 80's & loved? cos it would be bad. my fave 80's album now might be rain dogs.
  3. gram parsons - complete reprise sessions d1
  4. bruce hornsby wrote most, if not all of, end of hte innocence i believe. he at the very least co wrote it.
  5. feist - let it die i love this record
  6. froggie, what year is that from? that setlist is amazing.
  7. it's fun. but now i just go to the parade & bars away from downtown.
  8. nope, surprisingly. oktoberfest in la crosse, wi. i'd skip a lot of bands to go to this. it's a blast.
  9. lucero - tennessee i'm not sure why. i'm just torturing myself cos i can't see them this weekend. (two shows + an in store!!)
  10. yeah, i'm pretty sure you & i are the only two people to talk about him besides the occassional newbie to him.
  11. his best cd is a must! salesmen & racists. the rest after that are kinda hit & miss but live the guy's outstanding. i've seen him 5 or 6 times. last time he had first ave PACKED! the time before he had about 3/4 of the entry filled. crazy.
  12. i've listened to 'in the aeroplane over the sea' probably 15 times & it bores me ever single time. i just flat out don't like it.
  13. i might add ben nichols in there too. he's creeping up into my fave songwriters around
  14. layne did have an amazing voice. i've always been really, really biased towards jerry though.
  15. jerry cantrell wrote most of their shit anyway. he was the shining star in that band.
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