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Everything posted by mjpuczko

  1. archer prewitt - wilderness one of my fave spring/summer album.s
  2. brakes-beatific visions how i love this band.
  3. i wasn't referring to you at all btw. just in general.
  4. i wish i had that 2:27 of my life back.
  5. i just choose to disregard those annoying 'they suck' posts. especially if it's by the same person 5 times in 1 thread. get a life.
  6. i love the argument: 'how can he/she be so popular when there is so much better music out there: like wilco, etc' but then if wilco,etc were to get real popular these same people would probably bitch that their fave band is too popular!
  7. who is that again? looks familiar.
  8. richard buckner - meadow i always forget how great this is.
  9. mississippi john hurt - last sessions.
  10. i may not like jack's music but i totally agree with kyle. he's not pretentious, etc.
  11. matter of taste. i really like the 70's buffett before he became a cliche of himself. i also used to listen to boyzIImen so what do i know!
  12. jimmy buffett, during his prime, at least had quite humorous lyrics!
  13. as far as an overall rock guitarist, i would totally agree
  14. i love appetite & almost all of UYI. i still think appetite is the best debut album. IMO IMO IMO IMO how can you not love a song that starts out: your daddy works in porno now that mommy's not around she used to love her heroin but now she's underground
  15. dirtbombs - we have you surrounded.
  16. warpaint has held up to my big test: a road trip i love this album more & more.
  17. replacements - tim or let it be or pleased to meet me
  18. imo: jack white = severely overrated. i haven't really liked anything since white blood cells & even that bored me after about 10 listens.
  19. true, but 'it makes no difference' on the last waltz is one of the better performances i've ever heard of any song.
  20. any idea if there's a website i can hear fleet fox? maybe like a social networking site? i'll check it later. can't get myspace at work
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